Page 128 of My Grumpy Billionaire

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Chapter Forty-Seven


Oh my God. I am pregnant.With not one baby, not two babies, but three babies!

Talk about going from zero to sixty in one second. It feels surreal, especially after having tried to have just one baby for so many months, to be told I’m with triplets.

Once I’m fully dressed again and sitting opposite Dr. White, I ask, “There’s no way you could be mistaken?”

“The sonogram doesn’t lie.” Dr. White looks at me with motherly concern. “The babies are your boyfriend’s, correct? The one who took you to Tokyo?”

“Yes.” Thank God for that. I do not want anything to do with Todd. And if they were his babies, it would tie us together, giving him another way to try to worm his way back into my life.

“So. I suggest that you start taking prenatal vitamins.”

“Right,” I say numbly.

“Don’t stress, take it easy, get plenty of rest. And do some light exercise like walking for half an hour a day. Your health is critical.”

“I understand what I do directly impacts the babies.” As I say it, I remember what I did in Tokyo. Cold fear slides up my spine, leaving my palms clammy. “I had a few drinks during my time in Tokyo. Some champagne and mimosas. Are they going to be a problem? Are my babies going to be okay?”

“That shouldn’t be a problem. You aren’t the only woman who didn’t know she was pregnant and had a little alcohol,” she assures me warmly, patting my hand. “I think it’s more important to focus on what you can do going forward. Getting worried and stressed about what’s already done isn’t going to help.”

I let out a sigh of relief. “Okay. And thank you. I needed to make sure.”

“Sierra, you are a good, responsible girl. You always do the right thing, and your babies will be fine. Triplets are unusual, so they require extra monitoring. Why don’t you come see me again next week?”

“Sure,” I say. Dr. White specializes in fertility and high-risk pregnancies. “This caught me by surprise. I honestly thought I couldn’t get pregnant.”

“These babies beat the odds.” She smiles. “They really want to be there”—she tilts her chin at my belly—“with you.”

I process her words through the numbness that’s been spreading through my mind since she told me I was pregnant. And gradually, optimism starts to bubble up, pushing away the anxiety.

These triplets aren’t just any triplets. They’re miracles. My miracles. My family. We belong to each other, and I already love them to pieces. Unlike a lot of women in my situation, I am lucky enough to be financially secure.

I should discuss the babies with Griffin later today. I don’t know how he’ll react, especially since I told him I couldn’t get pregnant. Will he be happy about the new lives we’ve created? Upset? Maybe a combination of both. But no matter what, he’s going to be shocked.

I exhale, then put a hand over my fluttering belly. If he wants to be part of their lives, fantastic. If he doesn’t…

Well, I’ll be disappointed because I want them to know their father’s love, especially since I never experienced it myself. But I can raise them on my own—I can get help, hire full-time nannies, maybe—and I’ll make sure these babies know they are loved. I’ll be giving them double and triple the love.

Dr. White hands me a small black-and-white photo, the image she showed me on the screen earlier during the sonogram. There are some white dots I can’t make sense of, but they are supposedly what the babies look like right now inside my womb.

“Again, congratulations. If you need anything or have any questions, just reach out anytime. I’m here for you.”

“Thank you.”

After my time with the doctor is over, I leave the office and climb into my Ferrari. I take a moment and look out the windshield at the bright, sunny sky. I wish my mom and grandma were still here so I could tell them the good news. That I’m going to be a mom, and they are going to be a grandma and a great-grandma. And share laughter and tears of joy as we celebrate the precious new lives growing inside me.

My phone pings.


–Griffin: Are you free for dinner in downtown L.A. today?

Why downtown L.A.?It’ll take at least an hour to get there. I want to see him at home tonight, so I can give him the news in person.

–Me: Can’t we do it somewhere in Lovedale?

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance