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We settled around the table as Zoey grabbed a crayon and started coloring, asking us our opinions on the colors. We sat in silence for a few minutes, but thankfully, it wasn’t an awkward silence with Zoey speaking up from time to time.

“Scott looks so happy. I wanted to thank you for putting that glow on his face,” Rochelle said in a soft voice, and I looked up at her.

“He makes me happy, too.”

“I can see that. You two are perfect for each other.”

I gave her a smile, unsure what to say to that. Scott was perfect for me, but he could have probably found someone better than me for himself. Not that I didn’t believe in his love for me, because I did, but I also knew there were a lot of guys out there who had much less issues and baggage than me.

“Ever since he lost his godfather, Scott had turned into a loner. Mike somehow managed to stick around, and so did we, but I think after losing three people you loved, it gets difficult to be able to give that love to someone else again. I’d worried that Scott would never be able to bring himself to love someone again, which is why I’m so happy he found you. Take good care of him, okay?”

I nodded, even as I mulled over her words. Scott had told me about losing his parents and then his godfather, but I hadn’t really realized how deep the scars went. Maybe Iwasperfect for Scott, in my own way. Maybe, in helping me deal with my issues, Scott had unknowingly overcome some of his own and let himself love someone else again. Maybe, if I hadn’t needed him as much as I had, he would’ve found a way to pull away before his feelings for me developed too much.

“Dinner time!” Scott called from the kitchen, and I shook off the thoughts as Zoey hopped to her feet and was out of the room before we could stand up. Rochelle shook her head as she stood, and I followed her into the kitchen.

The aroma of all the food combined was heavenly, and my eyes roamed over the dining table. God, I’d missed Thanksgiving dinners. From all of the time I’d spent with my parents, Thanksgiving and Christmas were the days I missed the most. Maybe now that I had a family in Scott again, I’d get a chance to celebrate again.

Once I was seated beside Scott, I took in all the dishes Mike and Rochelle had made. There was the traditional turkey in the place of pride at the center of the table, with all the side dishes set around it. I could see mashed potatoes, gravy, rolls, cranberries, and pumpkin pie. There was also a small bowl of mac n’ cheese that I presumed was Zoey’s pick.

“Everything looks delicious, guys,” Scott echoed my thoughts.

“I made the turkey,” Mike declared proudly, and I chuckled.

“Me and Mommy made all the other dishes! But mostly me!” Zoey piped up from her seat, and we all laughed at how similar the dad-daughter duo was.

“Okay, okay. So, before we begin, we have a tradition of sharing what we’re thankful for this year. You don’thaveto, of course, but everyone, feel free to share! Who wants to go first?” Rochelle asked, and Zoey’s hand shot up into the air.

“I’m thankful my arm doesn’t hurt anymore, and I can play and color again,” Zoey said, and I smiled. The hiking trip that had led to seemed like it had happened years ago. I wondered if Scott and I would be what we were now if that hadn't happened.

“Okay, me next. I’m thankful that…I got a promotion!” Rochelle said, and everyone burst into congratulations while Mike pulled his wife into a hug before kissing her. It looked like he'd been kept in the dark as well.

Once everyone had returned to their seats, Scott spoke up. “Okay, my turn. I’m thankful Luke found me when he did. I’d been content to stay alone forever because I couldn’t bear the thought of losing someone I cared aboutagain.Then Luke showed up in my life, and before I knew it, I was in love with him. I can’t imagine my life without you now, Luke, and I’m so fu—freaking grateful to have you as my partner.”

I blinked my eyes repeatedly so I wouldn’t end up crying before I managed to speak. “I’m thankful I found you, too. I didn’t think anyone would love me after everything I’d been through. I didn’t think I could love anyone after everything. And you proved me wrong on both fronts. And I’m so thankful you did. I can’t imagine my life without you either.”

Scott leaned forward and kissed my forehead softly. It took me a moment to remember where we were, and I blushed as I realized his friends had heard everything. I peeked at them with my head lowered and saw Rochelle wiping at her eyes.

“My turn!” Mike said, and everyone turned toward him. “I’m thankful I’m celebrating this day with my family, and I hope we’ll celebrate together for years to come. I’m also thankful I was the one who cooked the turkey because we all know Roch is not the chef of the house,” he ended with a grin, and we laughed. I could see why Scott and Mike got along so well. They were both so good at making people feel at home.

The dinner was full of laughter and delicious food, followed by dessert in the form of pumpkin pie. I wasn’t a fan of pumpkin pies, but whatever Rochelle had done to it had made it a hundred times more delicious. She might not have been a cook, but she was a damn good baker.

When it was time to leave, I was full and almost too sleepy to get up. Zoey had fallen asleep in my lap as we watched TV while the others cleaned up, and it took a lot of maneuvering to lay her down on the couch without waking her. I tucked the blanket around her before standing up and turning around, only to come face to face with Scott.

“Hey, ready to head home?”

I nodded, and he took my hand before leading me into the kitchen, where Rochelle and Mike were finishing up. “Hey guys, thanks for dinner. We’re heading out now.”

Rochelle walked toward us before hugging us one by one. Mike gave Scott a one-armed hug and shook my hand. “Thanks for coming over. We’ll see you both again soon, yeah?”

I nodded. I’d liked hanging out with all of them, and I was looking forward to doing it again, preferably in a much more casual atmosphere. “Zoey’s asleep on the couch. I tucked her in as best I could.”

Rochelle gave me a bright smile as she said, “Thanks, Luke. I’ll check in on her in a bit.”

“Okay, time to go!” Scott announced, and after a round of goodnights, we left the apartment. By the time we got into the car, I was dead on my feet.

“Did you have fun?” Scott asked as he started the car.

“Yeah, I loved hanging out with them. Especially Zoey.”

Tags: Stella Rainbow Voice Out Romance