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Me:Nope, just finishing up for lunch, why?

Luke:I’m near that park that’s close to your workplace. Wanna have lunch together there?

Me:Sure! Should I get lunch on the way?

Luke:Nah, I got it. Deli sandwich okay?

Me:Perfect. Be there in ten.

I smiled as I put my phone away, let my assistant know I was going out for lunch, and took the elevator to the lobby. I wasn’t sure why I was so excited, except maybe because this was the first time we were hanging out outside of our apartment, and I was extremely pleased that Luke had asked me. I’d wanted to ask him to go out sometimes, but I’d hesitated because I hadn’t been sure if he’d want to. I’d also not asked because every time I imagined going out with him in my mind, the scene looked more like a date than two friends hanging out, and I knew that was something he definitely wasn’t interested in. At least, that’s the impression I’d gotten when he’d asked me what I wanted from him all those weeks ago. Friendship was all he could do, and I’d sworn to myself I’d never push for more. Still, him asking me to have lunch with him sure made my day, and I couldn’t stop myself from feeling happy about it.

I spotted Luke as soon as I stepped inside the park. He was sitting at a bench set away from the kid's area, way in the back where no one else would be interested in hanging out. I probably wouldn't have spotted him if I hadn't known that he'd look for a quaint, quiet spot.

As I walked over, I took a moment to appreciate just how the warm August sunlight brightened up his features. His gray, stormy eyes looked even lighter in the sunlight, almost colorless. His plush lips looked so pink and full that I bit my own hard enough to stop myself from thinking about them too much. His black hair was tied off into his usual bun, but a few loose strands hung around his face, framing his cheeks.

"Hey there!" I called as I got into hearing distance and he waved at me. He was wearing his usual outfit of a full-sleeved button-up with a light cardigan thrown on top and dark jeans. A bag from the local deli sat beside him on the bench, and the scent of warm fries filled my nose as I reached him.

"Hey, thanks for coming. I didn't pull you away from work, did I?"

"Nah, I was heading out for lunch anyway. How come you're on this side of town today?" I asked, since the Voice Out office was closer to our house than to my workplace.

"Oh, Brady needed to get some shopping done for the charity, and since I was almost done with my work, I decided to take an early break and help him. Brady is a good friend and one of the volunteers at the charity," he explained before I could ask him.

"That was nice of you. Did he leave already, then?"

"Yep, he had to deliver all the things to the office, and I told him I'd go back to work after lunch," Luke said with a shrug as he pulled out a sandwich and handed it to me before taking one for himself. He also pulled out a basket of fries and placed it between us to share.

We ate in silence after that, appreciating the last of the warm weather. Soon, the days would start getting colder, and before you knew it, Christmas would be here.

There weren't many people in the park at that time of the day, so it was pretty quiet compared to the voices seeping in from the world outside, like a little cocoon of peace just for the two of us.

"How about a walk around the park before we head back to work?" Luke suggested as we crumpled up the wrappers and dumped them in the bin nearby.

"Sure!" I agreed readily, glad I wasn't the only one who didn't want our time together to end.

As we walked, I realized this was the perfect moment to tell Luke about my weekend plans.

"So, you know Mike?"

"Your best friend?" I nodded. "I don'tknowhim, but I knowofhim."

I chuckled. "That works too. Okay, so apparently I haven't been hanging out with him as much as I used to. So he wants to go hiking this weekend, booked a cabin and everything. I'll be leaving Friday afternoon and be back by Sunday evening."

Luke nodded and thought about something before turning to watch where he was going and spoke in a low voice. "Cabin? So are you two like...just friends or... together...or something?"

I stumbled at the image of me and Mike beinganythingother than brothers, and Luke had to grab me to keep me from falling. He steadied me but didn't say anything, biting his lip as he waited for my answer. I shook my head to push away the horrible image before chuckling.

"God, no. Mike is straight, happily married, and the father of my goddaughter. He's like a brother to me."

"Oh, okay." Was that a hint of relief I detected in his tone? Probably not. "Sorry, I shouldn't have assumed anything. Hell, I don't even know if you're gay."

"I am," I answered quickly, even though he wasn't really asking. Better to put it out there in case he was ever interested, right?

"Uh, good to know." Luke fidgeted with his cuffs, telling me he was getting nervous or anxious and we needed a change of subject.

"So, anyway, yeah, we're heading out this weekend. I hope you don't mind?"

"Of course not. Why would I?"

Tags: Stella Rainbow Voice Out Romance