Page 6 of Sparrow Obsessed

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“Where are we, Little Sparrow?” he asked, discarding the whip to pick up the bamboo cane.

Jane could die of happiness. Praises were lethal, seldom given, and yet Jacob was nothing but generous tonight. Elation vanished, replaced by a heady mix of terror and excitement. Jane felt like she was on a brakeless roller coaster with no safety bars, plunging into the darkest unknown.

“Green,” she whispered, wondering if she would come to regret her decision.

Jacob didn’t ask her again. She still felt like she was floating in a golden nimbus. Surely, it wouldn’t hurt as much as last time?

Chapter Four

A line of fire streaked across Jane’s ass, making her scream. With nothing to hold on to, to claw, Jane dug her nails into the skin of her palms until they bled. She gritted her teeth, controlling her breathing. In and out. Jacob paused. It felt like minutes instead of mere seconds. Jane silently counted.One.Oh, God.

“Take four more for me, Little Sparrow,” he said.

Hearing his reassuring, confident voice anchored her back to reality. Jane knew a single word from her would make him stop immediately. He’d unlock her restraints and settle on the armchair with her on his lap.Not yet, Jane thought fiercely. She already failed the assignment he’d given her. Again.

Jane was a perfectionist. She aced all her test scores only to disappoint both her parents when she announced she wanted to sew for a living. His disappointment far outweighed theirs. Jane wanted to make him proud.

The second blow was bearable. The third felt like she had been plunged headfirst into hell. Tears gathered behind her shut lids. It took her several seconds to realize he’d asked her that question again.

“Green,” she answered stubbornly.

The cane whistled sharply through the air. White-hot pain. Jane thought of nothing else. Unable to help herself, she let out another cry.Four.Despite feeling miserable, despite loathing the cane with every fiber of her being, her body betrayed her need. Her nipples were hard, her pussy wet with her juices and his cum.

“Last one.”

Jane thought she detected tenderness in his voice. Rare affection. Pride.

The fifth was always the worst. Jane’s throat felt hoarse. The blow landed. Jacob pushed two fingers into her pussy. Jane didn’t just splinter, she broke apart. Her mind blanked out completely. She felt flayed alive, both inside and out, all her wounds exposed.

Sweat coated her entire body. She must look like a fine mess, but he gazed upon her like a queen. Hearing a click, she realized Jacob had his camera out. He set it down and soon unlocked her wrists and ankle restraints. It was finally over.

Chapter Five

Jane slumped like a doll in his arms. Like this, she was most vulnerable. Emptied out. Possessiveness filled him to the core. Jacob gathered her close, guided her to the waiting armchair. He sat down and placed one possessive arm over her waist, careful of the fresh welts on her ass. The cane always drew fresh blood, but he’d take care of that later. Jane slid into his lap, hardly weighing a thing. She wrapped her arms around his neck so tightly as if she was terrified he’d disappear.

He murmured words of consolation in her ear while stroking the fine lines of her back. “That’s my good girl, my brave girl.”

Jacob wondered if she understood how proud he was of her, how much he loved her at that moment. He knew she feared and hated the cane, and yet he used it on her anyway. Jane trusted him, expected him to push her to her limits. Tonight, she’d shown him once more that despite her misgivings, she was willing to leave her comfort zone behind.

She rested her head against his chest. Jacob tugged off the hair tie, letting her silken hair loose. He brushed a finger over the leather collar locked around her neck, taking in every little detail. The way she shivered, how she crept closer to him, lured by the comfort of his warmth. The promise of safety.

They sat there for a long time but even eternity didn’t feel like enough. He cherished every moment with Jane but this part, the aftercare, was his favorite part of every session.

“What time is it?” she asked.

She still looked unfocused and hesitantly brushed her fingers over his arm. She seemed reluctant to leave. Jacob understood. He felt the same way. He wanted to keep her here forever. Lock his Little Sparrow away for good, steal her from the eyes of the hungry public always clamoring for more of her creations. She’d exist for his pleasure alone. An indulgent thought.

“Close to midnight. I think.” Jacob didn’t have a clock in the room.

“Then it’s time for me to go.” She tried to slip from his lap, but he rested his hand on her left thigh and gave it a warning squeeze.

“Stay the night.” The words slipped out of his mouth without warning.

Jane blinked several times, looking more alert now. His offer shocked the both of them because it was a first. She always left after the aftercare. He always offered her to drive her, but she always insisted on taking a cab back home. She didn’t know this, but after seeing her off, he would head right to his car. He’d tail the cab driver just to make sure she arrived safely home.

“Are you sure, Master?” she asked, looking bothered.

“Does the thought scare you so much?” he asked, point-blank.

Tags: Winter Sloane Erotic