Page 2 of Sparrow Obsessed

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If Jane kept letting him in, he’d end up devastating her. She gave him complete creative freedom to play with her body, but her heart would always belong to her. A pretty lie she kept telling herself.

Leaving now would mean remaining unfulfilled for the next six days. On edge. Moody.

Jacob never locked the front door. She pushed the door open to find him in the living room, laptop propped on his knees. He didn’t look up when she entered. He never did. For a few seconds, she allowed herself a full view of him.

He was twice her age, but he regularly worked out and it showed. Muscles peeked under his plain white shirt and the worn jeans he wore. Jane liked how he wanted her to look all dolled-up while he dressed down. Jacob always wore his black hair slightly peppered with white military short, and it made his face look brutal, almost severe.

Jacob leveled his piercing gray eyes on her and did that little twirl with his finger, as if to say,what are you waiting for?They’d done this particular dance several times. He didn’t need to give her orders. She knew what to do.

Jane set her purse on the floor, next to his rack of shoes. She slipped out of the pink fuck-me stilettos she’d chosen for the evening. Next, she took her coat off. She folded it neatly right over her bag, almost forgetting his little assignment.

Jane knelt, plucked his old baby blanket from the front pocket of the coat, unsurprised to see his denim-clad legs in front of her. Her heart spiked, seeing what he held in his right hand. Her collar. A simple black leather band with a circular silver tag on it. Two words were embossed on it. His pet name for her.Little Sparrow.

Seeing her collar filled her with indescribable joy, a strange inner peace. All her initial apprehension, her fears about falling hard for a man who’d never be hers, disappeared. The past was a distant memory, and the future was filled with too many uncertainties. None of it mattered. This was the present and tonight was Friday. Their special night.

Jacob hooked a finger under her chin, making her look up. He didn’t smile. Jane never thought she’d ever seen him curve his lips upward, only down.

“What do you have for me tonight, Little Sparrow?”

Chapter Two

Jacob Farr had installed a surveillance camera outside his door eleven months ago. Jane had no idea she had a silent watcher. Through the camera, she bit her lower lip. She looked like she always did when she came over. Beautiful and undecided. Jacob appreciated the fact she always dressed with care. Tonight, she wore the fur coat he’d gifted her last December. Underneath that, a sexy little black number Jacob couldn’t wait to shred.

Jacob was a patient hunter. He waited, knowing full well her desire to see him. To submit to him would overcome any other doubts she might have. Once she entered his domain, the rules they agreed upon a year ago would be in effect.

Hearing the click of the door, he minimized the window of his surveillance software. He pretended to look busy, indifferent, but all that while, his heart beat in trepidation. All the muscles in his body bunched up, tensed.

She always looked flawless when she arrived at his doorstep. Jane would leave his apartment ruined, marked, and owned in every conceivable way possible by him.

It had been six long days since he last played with her, pined and hungered for her. No woman, no sub had ever affected him this much before. No one should be able to wield such a terrible hold over him. Jacob was her Dom. Jane, his sub. He was supposed to be the one in control.

He closed the lid of his laptop and gazed at his property. With trembling hands, Jane set down her purse then her coat. She knelt and waited for him to approach. Jacob went to her, collar in hand, his cock thickening in his jeans.

Jane pulled out her homework from the pocket of her coat and held the blanket with both hands to him. An offering. Jacob snatched the fabric away, barely giving it a look before tossing it over his shoulder. Jane widened her cornflower-blue eyes. She breathed hard, making her heavy breasts sway. He could see her nipples pebbling, poking through the thin fabric of her dress.

For a moment, Jacob’s temptation nearly made him throw all the rules and protocols out the window. He’d put her on her hands and knees, rip that dress off her before rutting her like an uncontrolled beast. He took a deep breath, then another.

This was what she did to him, reduce an experienced Dom like him to a mindless animal. “This is no good,” he murmured. “You’ll have to try harder next week. Fail me again, and the repercussions would even be more severe.”

Jane balled her fists on her lap. Finally, she raised her eyes to him. The fire there did little for his erection. The zipper of his pants rubbed against his prick, but he returned her defiant stare evenly. This was how it was between them. Jacob gave her an impossible task, one he knew she would fail spectacularly. Jane reveled in the humiliation of defeat.

“I don’t understand. What do you want of me?” she asked in a fierce whisper. “You didn’t even look at the new stitches I’ve made.”

“A simple task even a child can do,” he answered. “Unless you can’t even manage that? Will you give up?”

Jacob made sure she heard the disappointment in his voice.

“Never,” Jane said with a hiss. His Little Sparrow reminded him less of a caged bird that secretly never wanted to leave its cage and more of a willful kitten.

“You’re behaving badly, sub. Maybe you don’t deserve to wear my collar tonight after all.”

Jane sucked in a breath, as if the reality of her situation finally set in. Like a starving stray desperate for affection, she looked at the leather band he held out. She bowed her head and dropped her gaze. The transformation from a mouthy sub to a deceptively humbled one never ceased to amaze him. Then again, Jane had always been good at playing pretend in her real life.

“I’m sorry, Sir.”

“What exactly are you apologizing for?”

“For questioning your order.”

Tags: Winter Sloane Erotic