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Your lips are so soft. I love the

way your mouth opens as soon

as mine touches it. Like you’ve

been waiting for me

I have been. I am

Until this moment, the appeal of sexting had sort of missed Lyra, but wow, it was legitimately hot. Like honestly a kind of sex. Her nipples were tight and achy, her pussy throbbing and wet. From words typed miles and miles away.

Wanting to give him what he was giving her, Lyra added some typed words of her own. Funny, she felt a lot less awkward than she had a few minutes ago.

I love the way you kiss me. Your lips

are so firm, and your mouth covers mine

completely. It makes me arch my back, and I hook

my leg over your hip, trying to get as close as

I can. My hands grip the back of your t-shirt

and pull. I want it off

She hadn’t asked him what he was wearing, but a t-shirt felt like a safe bet.

I hate to let you go for even a second,

but I lean back and pull it off.

Then I get ahold of the bottom of yours

and lift it up and over your head.

I toss them both away.

Then I wrap my arms around you

so I can feel your bare chest on mine.


Not until Brutus looked up at her, ears pricked high, did Lyra realize she’d moaned aloud. She sat up and pulled her shirt off. She tossed it away.

I love being wrapped in your arms like this,

feeling your skin, your strong arms. Kiss me again

Your wish is my command.

This time, though, I roll forward,

putting you under me so I can

kiss you everywhere and touch you.

I need to get my hands on your tits.

Tags: Susan Fanetti Brazen Bulls Birthright Romance