Page 57 of Provoked

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“It’s not logical. I barely know him. I don’t know much about his family or his interests.” Kinky sex, books and business aside. “I don’t know his favorite food or his favorite color or—”

Alana chuckled. “For real? His favorite color? Is that important?”

“Yeah. It is. To me.”

Kelly took a shaky breath. They were seated in their usual spot at Retreat, their favorite restaurant. That spot just happened to be outside in the bright sunshine, which contributed to the sensation of being lobsters broiling in a pan. The nearly 100-degree temperature didn’t help either.

Of course, she’d also never been in love before. Maybe sweating and the shakes were part of the drill.

“No one falls in love in three days,” Kelly added, searching for empirical evidence to support her hypothesis. Maybe then she’d be able to knock some sense into her head.

“Some people fall in love in three hours. Ever heard of love at first sight? Or love at first fuck? It happens.”

“Love at first fuck. Now that’s eloquent.” Despite her misery, Kelly leaned her cheek on her fist and grinned. “He’s not the instant-love-inspiring type. He can be a jerk. Usually is. But the little moments of sweetness throw you off and make you appreciate them even more.” She sighed and crumpled her straw wrapper. “I’ve never been attracted to emotionally unavailable men before. Why now?”

“Does he have a big dick?” When Kelly’s lips pursed, Alana pointed. “There ya go.”

“I’m not that shallow.”

“You keep saying how pretty he is.”

“That’s just a bonus.”

“It’s enough to totally turn you into a glowworm in three days, so it counts. Kel, you let a complete stranger paw your boobs two nights ago, as part of some weird extended foreplay with him. That’s not you.”

“But it was me.” And that was the craziest thing of all. With Spencer, she didn’t know herself anymore, or know how far she would go. The feeling was both scary and thrilling. “I never guessed I’d be into that. But I am. It’s sexy, with him. Because I know he wants me.”

“For how long is the real question.”


She swallowed hard as the waitress delivered their orders—a salad for Alana, a double-decker turkey club for her. Her diet had gone out the window. She had enough on her mind without counting calories. She also didn’t have her purple phone to keep her usual running tally.

Damn Spencer. He’d fucked with her in more ways than one.

She shook off her thoughts and picked up a hunk of her sandwich. Her appetite hadn’t suffered, that was for certain. “I’m going back to the club tonight.”

Alana forked up carrots and croutons and said nothing.

“You think I’m being ridiculous.”

“No, I don’t. I think you’re following your heart. And other lustier parts of your anatomy.” She winked. “I’m just concerned where they’ll lead you.”

“I am too. But that doesn’t mean I can stop.”

“I hear you.” Alana glanced away and sighed. “Believe me, I hear you.”

Kelly peered more closely at her best friend. She’d been strangely quiet for the past hour and her sarcasm didn’t have its usual zing. “So what’s the deal with you?”

Alana snapped her gaze back to Kelly’s at once. “What deal?”

“Normally you’d be prying me for details about what Spencer’s like in be—” Realizing she’d gone too far, she stopped and forced down the bacon wedged in her throat. “I, uh, didn’t mention his name before, did I?”

“No, you most certainly did not. You let me believe it was some random joker you worked with and I didn’t press you for his name because—” She trailed off and dropped her fork. Apparently she didn’t intend to finish that statement. “Spencer? As in your freaking boss? Number ten?”

“Shh, shh!” Kelly flicked ice water at her. “Keep your voice down.”

Tags: Taryn Quinn Romance