Page 56 of Provoked

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“Stop it,” she said, pushing his shoulder with a halfhearted laugh. “You’re putting bad pictures in my head and it won’t be that long before people start showing up.”

“Your fault. You’re the one who insisted on teaching me such…useful things about the female body. I hadn’t realized exactly how responsive it is.”

“Told you it was possible with just your mouth, though there was some cheating.”

“Mmm-hmm. Possible and incredibly beautiful.”

She shifted her face away to stare at the wall. Emotions whirled inside her, glittery, fragile ones she was afraid would show up in her voice. Searching for something to lessen the moment, she braced her hand on the back of the loveseat and smiled. “Compliments will get you everywhere, Mr. Galvin.”

Spencer traced his fingertip under her eyes. “You’re tired, so it won’t get me anywhere tonight. And it’s not a compliment. It’s truth.”

“Your place isn’t that far from here. And I’m not that tired.”


She wrapped her fingers around his erection and rubbed. “Seems a shame to waste this. Besides, it’s not fair sending you home alone all hot and bothered.”

“That’s what the shower is for.” The full-on grin he gave her left her as dazed and stupid as the two Midori Sours Jack had given her at Kink. “Trust me, I’ll make do.”

“Sometime I’d like to see you make do in front of me.” She thought of the club the other night. “Without my help.”

“That could be arranged. And ditto.” With more gentleness than she ever would have imagined, he picked her up and set her on the loveseat. “I don't want you driving. I’ll take you home.”

“But my car—”

“We’ll park it around back. No one will know it’s here.”

“You’ll have to bring me back later.”

“Oh, the hardship.” He slid his laptop into its case and cocked an eyebrow at her when she stared at him. “Is there a problem?”

Kelly shook her head and gazed at the fists she’d balled in her lap.

She’d tried to talk herself out of her feelings before they’d become lovers, telling herself that their tempestuous working relationship was hardly grounds for emotional harmony. He hid so many parts of his true nature. From her. From everyone.

She didn’t know him yet. Maybe she never would. But the snatches of himself hehadshared, along with the inner voice that wouldn’t let her turn away, made her incapable of shutting down her heart. As foolish as it was.

Oh yeah, there’s a problem.I’m falling for you.

Tags: Taryn Quinn Romance