Page 4 of Need I Say Moore

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One leg was hoisted onto the hospital bed to cover the distance, my chest flush with his as I remained close to ensure his mouth stayed closed. Our eyes locked for a long moment as I reached out, using my second hand to stroke his neck, encouraging his Adam’s apple to bob and forcing his throat to swallow.

But there was no liquid, so he either had to suffer the pills melting on his tongue and the bitter taste that would come with it, or he had to conjure enough saliva to force the pills away from his taste buds. If he chose the second option, I had every intention of letting him go and giving him a glass of water to finish the job. As far as I was concerned, the ball was in his court.

Under my hand, his mouth vibrated as he tried to speak. I didn’t budge, still stroking his neck to encourage him to swallow. His throat contracted slightly, and I pulled my hand back to let him swallow properly. As I leaned away to get the glass of water, he came forward, planting his lips on mine, and one warm palm slid around my wrist, holding onto me. It wasn’t a possessive grab, more of an anchor than anything, and I could easily break the grip if I wanted to. And I should.

But I didn’t.

I kissed him back like my lips possessed a twisted form of muscle memory and conspired in a plot to ruin my life. His other hand, wires and all, moved and cupped my face as his lips pressed more urgently to mine. Then, as if they whispered, “Open Sesame,” he parted them, and his tongue slid against mine. The resounding feeling electrified me as it moved through my body and, with a jolt, brought me back to my senses.

“Agh!” I gasped, falling off the bed in an unceremonious heap. I wiped my lips desperately. “Hunter!” I whispered his name like saying it was a scandal. Rising to my feet, I shook my head and thrust the cup of water at him.

“Drink. You have a chalky taste in your mouth.” My entire face flooded with heat, horrified that I knew that from first-hand experience. “Don’t ask for me again,” I said as soon as he took it, turning tail and running from the room.


I didn’t knowwhat came over me. Possession, obviously, for me to skirt any level of consent and just kiss her. But—and this was the part I couldn’t stop playing on repeat—she kissed me back.

My God. The way her lips felt on mine, how her body molded against me despite all her resistance … I never wanted it to end. But then she’d scurried out of here with a threat on her lips, leaving me alone in this damn bed, and all I wanted was to bring her back to me.

Throwing my legs over the side of the bed, I carefully rose and tugged the IV pole toward me. Gripping it, I shuffled to the door and looked out. None of the nurses were at the desk, and the hallway was empty, but there weren't many places on the floor she could have escaped to.

I needed to find her and apologize. At the very least, that’s what she deserved.

“Oh, Hunter!” One of the older nurses called. I think her name was Mae. She was nice enough but not the nurse I wanted. “Hunter, let’s get you back to your room.”

“Sorry, I’m looking for someone.” I shook her arm off, and she paused, her face heated as she stared at my waist. I stopped walking for a moment, turning to look down at myself. My ass was hanging out of my gown. “Ah, don’t worry about it.” I waved her off before carrying on.

“Hunter?” Dakota joined Mae as I glanced into the dining room to my left. “Let’s get you back to your room.” She tried to grab me as well, but I hopped out of the way, twisting so the IV pole was between us.

“I’m looking for Nurse Georgia.”

“Please, Hunter. If you want to walk around, at least let us get you a modesty gown.”

“It’s fine. I don’t care if people see.”

“People might care if they see. Mrs. Holloway in 311 has a heart condition. You don’t want her to have a heart attack at the sight of your … tush.” Dakota sighed in exasperation as she glanced admiringly at my backside. Forcing her eyes northward, she grabbed my elbow again.

“I got him, Kota,” Georgia spoke from behind me, and I spun to face her with a dopey-ass grin. “Back to your room, Hunter. We need to talk.” Georgia took my elbow from Dakota.

“I’ve been looking for you,” I said, looking down at her as I compliantly began the walk back to my room.

“Yeah, well, the only thing you’ve successfully managed to do is make all the nurses hot and bothered.” Her tone was dry and annoyed, but it was still sexy as fuck.

“All the nurses?” I asked, quirking an eyebrow at her while offering a smirk that should’ve made her swoon.

“Some of the nurses.” She corrected, emphasizingsome. She didn’t want me to know she was hot and bothered. But I knew. I could see it on her cheeks, chest, and how her nails dug just a bittoomuch into my arm.

“Listen, I’m sorry about—”

“Room. Now.” She said sharply, glancing at the nurse’s station to make sure no one heard me.

I stopped pushing and did as I was told, walking back to my room. Once I was settled back into bed, I tried again. “I’m sorry about kissing you like that. I shouldn’t have forced myself on you.”

“No, you shouldn’t have,” she said as she moved the pole around the bed, checking that nothing had come loose. Once there was nothing else for her to fuss with, she stood there like she was trying to find the words to give me a verbal lashing. I deserved it, and, honestly, if it meant more time with her, she could yell at me all day long.

“Whatever game you’re playing—if it’s a bet with buddies outside of the hospital, or if you have a bet with my colleagues—whatever it is, I’m not interested. I’ve been this girl before, and I told myself a long time ago that I wouldn’t be her again. I’m not interested in being someone’s conquest and punchline. And if you continue, I will file sexual harassment charges with human resources.”

As she spoke, my face shifted in confusion, and I became nervous the more she went on. Had she misread my flirtation so badly? Where had I gone wrong? She took a deep breath as she finished and locked eyes with me, her expression suddenly mirroring mine.

Tags: Kylie Marcus Romance