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Yes, let’s get out of here before I throw caution to the wind and jump my friend. Reminder – Grayson is a friend, not a potential sexual partner. I do not have sex with friends. Little Susan pouts and her shoulders hunch as she slumps off the dance floor.

The bar is hopping when we arrive. Of course, it is. It’s Saturday night.

“Honey! I’m home!” I shout when we enter.

“Uh oh, trouble’s in the house,” Barney says and waves us over.

I debate not joining the uncles at their table for at least five seconds. On the one hand, the uncles will pour cold water on any amorous feelings I’m having for Grayson. But, on the other hand, I do want to spend time alone with the sexy man. That does it! No sexy men for Suzie.

“I’m surprised to see you guys here. After all, you’re never here.” I wink.

Lenny frowns. “Sarcasm does not look good on you, young lady.”

“Sarcasm looks good on everyone, old man.”

“Who you calling old?” Sid asks.

“I was referring to Lenny, but if you want in on the action, then …”

Sid punches my arm. “Ow!”

“Children, calm down,” Pops orders as he walks over. He kisses my hair. “Hey, Shorty. I didn’t expect to see you in here today.”

I thumb my finger at Grayson. “This one held my present hostage unless I agreed to get out of the house.”

“Present?” Sid leans close. “What kind of present?”

A bit of background about Sid. The guy is a hopeless romantic. But he apparently sucks at the romance part since he’s been married five times. Rumor has it he has wife number six – a nurse from a fire incident – on the hook.

“A brewing journal. It was an apology for ruining my wort.”

“Never heard it referred to that before,” Lenny remarks.

I slap him. “Wort as in the liquid extracted from the mashing process during brewing. Not my tunnel of love.”

Sid tsks. “What a disappointment.”

I don’t want to talk about my relationship with Grayson. I address Pop, “I’ll take a hamburger and fries and a stout.”

Pops chuckles. “What a surprise.” He takes everyone else’s orders and leaves.

Lenny slaps me on the shoulder. “He’s a keeper.”

“He’s a keeper? What are you talking about?” I’m acting dumb, but I have a sneaking suspicion I know exactly what he’s going on about.

“Grayson. We approve.”

No, no, no. They’ve got it all wrong. I shake my head.

Grayson chuckles. “We’re friends. Nothing more.”

Phew. Thank goodness. I don’t want Grayson getting the wrong idea about us. Snort. Like that’s likely to happen. Grayson would never want me. He’s like a fifteen on a scale of ten and I’m a five. Maybe a six if I put on make-up and do something with my hair.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not doing the whole boohoo for me thing. I know my value. I’m loyal, fun, and cute. What I am not is beautiful. No, a short girl with spikey red hair who spills her food and trips on her own two feet is not in the beautiful category. I’ve made my peace with it.

“Is our Suzie not good enough for you?” Lenny glares at Grayson.

Grayson gulps. “Of course, she is. Too good for me.” I start to giggle because he has got to be kidding me, but one look at him and the giggle dies in my throat. He looks serious. What?

Tags: D.E. Haggerty Love will OUT Romance