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Chapter 34

How is sex like a game of bridge? If you have a great hand, you don’t need a partner. ~ Text from Hailey to Aiden

Aiden stops before we can enter McGraw’s Pub. “What’s wrong?”

I consider lying to him for approximately zero point five seconds, but I’ve learned in the past week since we both said I love you, the man is not to be tricked. Nope. He notices everything. I haven’t made up my mind yet on whether it’s endearing or annoying as shit.

“I’m nervous,” I admit.

He yanks on my hand and pulls me near. “Why?”

I shrug. “Never mind. I’m being an idiot.” I start to walk in the pub, but he doesn’t let me move an inch.

“Nice try. Try again.”

“Fine.” I huff. Him noticing everything is definitely in the annoying as shit column right now. “I’ve never walked into Pops’ bar with a boyfriend before.” He smirks and I start backpedaling. “Not like I haven’t had a boyfriend before, but never one he’s approved of.”

His smirk grows. “Good,” he says before kissing my forehead. “Now, let’s go. I need a drink after the week I’ve had.”

“The week you’ve had?” Snort. “You have no idea. I’ve spent the week listening to Suzie bounce off the walls while shouting, I told you so.” The only reprieve I got is when she bounced straight into a wall and knocked herself out. Seriously. Knocked herself clean out.

I open the door and shout, “Honey, I’m home!”

The uncles are gathered around the bar gabbing to Pops. Yes, gabbing. If you think old men don’t gab, you are wrong. Very, very wrong. They gab more than old women. I look around but Suzie and Phoebe haven’t arrived yet.

“Hey, Pops.” I walk behind the bar and give the old man a hug. “How are you?”

“How are you coping?” he asks in response. Pops has turned into a worrywart since the break-in. Talk about suffocating. If it weren’t for Aiden, he probably would have shipped me off to a nunnery by now and we’re not even Catholic.

“I’m fine.” And I am fine. Sure, I may have had some nightmares, but Aiden has been with me the entire time. Between him and Lola, I couldn’t be safer.

Pops looks across the bar at Aiden for confirmation. Fortunately for Aiden, he nods. I shake my head. Men. I join Aiden on the other side of the bar. He wraps his arm around me and pulls me close.

“Hey, Hailey. What kind of bees produce milk?” Barney asks. “Boobees,” he answers his own joke while laughing. He raises a hand for a high-five, but I don’t move.

“Lame,” I tell him.

Lenny and Wally bend over to kiss my cheek before giving Aiden chin lifts.

“Hey, Hails.” Sid greets me with a kiss on the forehead. “One down, two to go.”

“Two to go what?” Suzie asks as she joins us with Phoebe in tow.

I shake my head at Sid, but he pays me no mind. “Two left to find men.”

She looks around. “Who?” When everyone looks at her, she points to herself. “Me?” She guffaws. “Um, no. No men for me. Now her?” She points to Phoebe. “We can totally hook her up.”

Phoebe’s face turns a bright shade of red. “Um, no thanks?”

I slap Sid on the arm. “You’ve got your work cut out for you.” I look around and notice our group is complete. All the uncles are here as well as Suzie and Phoebe. “Come on, let’s grab our table.”

Suzie and Phoebe start to walk to the table, but the uncles don’t move. Uh oh. They’re up to no good again. I elbow Lenny, but he shakes his head. Guess we’re going to wait and see.

“Babycakes, can you cover for me? Need to hit the head.”

I move around the bar to play bartender. I grab a mug and set it under the tap to pour a beer. When I look up, the uncles aren’t watching me. No, their attention is riveted to the end of the hallway where the restrooms are.

I put the mug down and cross my arms over my chest. “What did you do?”

Tags: D.E. Haggerty Love will OUT Romance