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Chapter 14

How are buying a new car and online dating the same? With either one, you want the youngest model with the least amount of miles on it. ~ Text from Hailey to Suzie

I stare at myself in the mirror and give myself a lecture. Hailey McGraw, you need to stop acting like a lovesick fool whenever Aiden is near. It’s starting to get embarrassing. I snort. Starting to? This shit was embarrassing fifteen years ago in high school. Get a grip, Hailey. My lecture gets cut off when the doorbell rings. He’s early. Of course, he’s early.

Deep breaths, Hailey. You got this. You can go out on a date with Aiden Barnes and not make a fool of yourself. I paste on a smile and open the door. My smile freezes on my face when I get a look at him. Holy hot guy!

His red button-down shirt shows off his tanned skin, the shirt stretching across his chest as if it’s barely able to keep his muscles contained. I bet he has six-pack abs. And wouldn’t I love to lick each and every one. My eyes travel further and notice his thighs straining against his jeans. My hands itch to touch. Bad hands.

I look up and notice Aiden smirking. I roll my eyes. Whatever.

“Hi, Aiden.”

He bends forward and kisses my cheek. “Hailey. You look lovely.” Lovely is pushing it, but I do scrub up nicely. I put on a dress and everything. I even got a thumbs up from Suzie when I sent her a selfie of my outfit.

A bouquet of roses is suddenly forced upon me. “These are for you.”

Guess I was too busy checking out the man to notice the flowers. Oops. “Thanks. I’ll put these in the kitchen and then I’m ready. Be right back.” I grab the bouquet and walk to the kitchen. Once there, I throw the flowers into the sink. Then, I cover my face with my hands and jump up and down. Oh my god! Oh my god! I’m going out with Aiden Barnes!

“You okay in there?” Aiden shouts from the front door.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Did he hear me? Deep breath. I’m a normal woman going out on a normal date with a normal guy. Everything is perfectly normal. Normal. “Everything’s fine,” I say as I walk back to him.

He grabs my hand and leads me to his SUV. He opens the door and I climb in. Huge advantage of being tall. I can get into these monster vehicles without needing assistance.

Once we’re on the road, I ask, “Where are we going?”

“Have you tried the new family-style restaurant in Brewers’ Hill?” I shake my head. “I thought you might like it as it’s all you can eat, but they serve your table. It’s not a buffet.”

I gasp. “Are you saying I’m a pig?”

His eyes widen. “Um, no. But I know you like to eat.”

“Then, you are saying I’m a pig?”

He’s reaching panic mode now. “No, no, no. We’ll go somewhere else. It was a stupid idea.”

I can’t hold it in anymore. I burst out laughing. “Oh my god. You should have seen your face.”

He shakes his head, but there’s a grin on his face. “I love your laugh. You should laugh more often.”

I laugh all the time. Just not when he’s around because I turn into a tongue-tied idiot in his presence.

When we arrive at the restaurant, the parking lot is packed, but Aiden manages to find a parking spot near the door. I grab the door handle to jump out, but he stops me. “Wait.” I remove my hand from the handle. If he wants to play the gentleman, who am I to stop him?

Aiden opens the door and puts his big hands on my waist. He pulls me forward out of my seat and lowers me to the ground, making sure my body slides down his the entire way. My body lights up like it’s the Fourth of July. I feel warm and I’m sure my face is bright red.

He smirks before making sure I’m steady on my feet. He doesn’t release me, though. Instead, he leans forward and brushes his lips against mine. My eyes fall closed and my body sways closer to his. He kisses my forehead. “Come on, Hails. Let me feed you.”

My stomach growls in agreement and he chuckles. Before I have a chance to die of embarrassment, he grabs my hand and pulls me in the direction of the restaurant. The place has somewhat of a bar vibe with its brick walls and brewery memorabilia on the walls, although the tables are decorated with checkered tablecloths and chianti bottle candleholders adding a romantic touch.

The hostess leads us to a booth in the corner. We don’t speak as we get settled and look over the menus. The waitress arrives and we order beers to drink and something to eat.

“She must think a football team is joining us.” I may have gone overboard with ordering.

“Who cares what she thinks?”

I nearly roll my eyes. Of course, Aiden Barnes doesn’t care what anyone else thinks. Me on the other hand? I care entirely too much what people think, especially this man sitting across from me.

Tags: D.E. Haggerty Love will OUT Romance