Page 5 of Daddy's Searching

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Belinda watched Sharon walk with Pedro Morales out of the conference room. She still couldn’t believe she’d gotten to sit next to him. Now, if she could just trap him in a room somewhere and ask a million questions. Maybe a room with a pool so she could check to see if the rest of him was as muscular as the arm she’d bumped into. The corners of her mouth twitched up as she realized that was a bit creepy and possibly illegal.

“I’m glad to see you smiling,” Piper whispered, sliding into Pedro’s empty seat. The two women had become very close since Piper had become Easton’s administrative assistant.

“I know you were worried I’d be disappointed I didn’t land the cyber position… And I was for a short time. Then I stopped sulking and realized the opportunity it would be to learn from him directly, as well as taking an incredible leadership position in a company I love,” Belinda confessed.

“That’s my girl,” Piper enthused. “So, did you know he was a hunk before today?”

“Maybe I need to rethink this new hire of mine.” Easton’s indulgent tone came from behind them and made both women spin to look at him.

Belinda laughed at Piper’s flushed face. “Caught you, did he? That’s what you get for objectifying the new employee. I would have thought you knew better than that.”

“Belinda! Don’t make it worse.” Piper’s embarrassed hue deepened.

“He is a very fit guy. I can see his military training and conditioning haven’t evaporated completely,” Easton commented.

“He competes in triathlons,” Belinda mentioned casually.

When Piper and Easton looked at her questioningly, Belinda added quickly, “It’s in his bio.”

The Daddy and his Little looked at each other, exchanging a silent message that Belinda didn’t need a written transcript to understand. They knew she’d checked him out with more than just a professional interest.

Belinda gathered up her things and pushed her chair back to stand. “Oops! Look at the time. I have a meeting starting in just a few minutes.”

“See you for pizza tonight?” Piper asked before she could disappear through the door.

“I’ll try,” Belinda promised. Pizza night with the Littles was one of her favorite things about living in Tower B.

The remainder of the day went by quickly. There were a million items on her to-do list as the new technology head. It was late when Belinda finally called it a night and headed to her apartment. Pushing the large glass doors open on Tower B, she smiled at the gathering in the lobby.

“Pizza’s on the way. Pete says they’re two minutes out. Take a seat and wait with us,” Alan invited.

“I should go up and change. These shoes are killing me,” Belinda confessed.

“Take them off. We won’t tell,” Cynthia assured her. “Especially if you pretend not to notice the huge splotch of potato soup I splashed over myself first thing this morning.”

“That soup was incredible,” Sharon rushed to assure her.

“I had some, too,” Tess commented. “I always look for the ‘made by Cynthia’ sign next to one of the dishes before I choose what I want for lunch.”

“You all are too nice. Thanks.” She folded the fabric on her blouse over to conceal the large spot and held her finger up to her lips.

Laughing, Belinda dropped onto the cushion next to her. “I’m glad to sit down. These shoes are killers,” she sighed.

Turning to Sharon, she asked, “Why aren’t you at that gorgeous new house of yours?”

“Duh! Pizza! And Knox had one last thing to do tonight before we could head home,” Sharon shared.

“Where is Knox?” Belinda asked, after looking around.

“He’ll be here in a minute. He’s helping our newest employee move into his apartment.”

“Not Pedro Morales?” Belinda felt silly repeating his entire name, but only using his first name seemed too familiar for someone she’d been in awe of professionally. Like calling your beloved second grade teacher ‘Doris’ instead of Mrs. Butler.

“Yes. There’s no single-family housing available right now. He’s pleased to be able to stay on campus here with all the changes coming in the next few months,” Sharon told her.

She looked past Belinda and nodded. “Here they come. I think Pedro’s joining us for dinner. Knox was going to ask him.”

Tags: Pepper North Romance