Page 4 of Daddy's Searching

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“Thank goodness. Tinkerbell is a lucky cat.”

“He’s a good boy,” Pedro praised his best friend before sharing the brand and type of food he preferred.

When the doors opened, Sharon led him into a vast office with gorgeous views over the green space below.

“Pedro Morales, this is Piper, Easton’s talented administrative assistant. If you need something and I’m not available, call Piper. She’s an incredible resource,” Sharon shared.

“She says that just because she hired me,” Piper laughed as she stood to shake Pedro’s hand. “But really, let me know if I can help in any way.”

“I think almost everyone has arrived. Let me introduce you,” Piper invited, leading them into the conference room.

“Pedro. Finally.” Easton stood and walked forward to shake his hand. “Welcome to Edgewater Industries. We’ll have some time to strategize later, but I thought you’d like to meet the heads of the departments I guessed you’d work with first. Take a seat.”

Sharon sat in the empty chair next to Knox. Pedro smiled when he glimpsed the large man wrapping a hand over her thigh and squeezing a gentle hello under the cover of the table. They were definitely becoming his favorite couple. Sitting in the next chair, Pedro noted that one last chair next to him was empty.

“Hi, everyone! A server decided to go haywire at the last moment, of course.”

Pedro stared at the newcomer. Belinda Jenkins. She was as gorgeous in person as she’d been on the Zoom call when he’d spoken for a cybersecurity conference. What had struck him most was not her beauty, but her thoughtful questions and the stuffie he’d spotted hidden behind her that peeked out between two ornate throw pillows. Delighted to meet her, Pedro stood to shake her hand.

“Mr. Morales, it’s an honor to meet you. I heard you speak at…”

“Cybertron,” Pedro added smoothly. “I remember. Belinda Jenkins, right?”


Pedro pulled out her chair, and they both sat down to join everyone gathered at the table. He heard a faint sigh of relief as she settled in her chair as if she’d been walking on those high heels too long for comfort.

“We’re all here now. Let’s get started,” Easton said, drawing everyone’s attention and eliminating any possibility of speaking with the fascinating woman next to him.

Forcing himself into business mode, Pedro opened his portfolio to take notes as Belinda twisted the lid on her cold bottle of water; Piper had provided one for everyone. Her arm brushed his lightly, and she whispered an apology.

Pedro smiled in response and dismissed her concern with a subtle shake of his head as he listened to his new boss welcoming everyone. Her delicate perfume wafted past his nostrils. He enjoyed the light scent that didn’t overpower those around her.

“Oh, sorry,” Belinda apologized again when a lock of her sleek blonde hair clung to his suit jacket. She quickly gathered her hair behind her. The hint of pink in her cheeks was endearing. The thought burst into his mind that he wanted to feel her silken tresses against his skin.

“Pedro, would you like to introduce yourself? I’m afraid I won’t do you justice,” Easton requested.

“Of course. I’m Pedro Morales. I’ve been involved with cybersecurity for many years, beginning in the military and progressing through my consulting business, serving a wide assortment of industries. After rambling around for a long time, I searched for the ideal company to call home. Edgewater Industries has been in my sights for a while. It is an innovative company in so many ways. Improving the company’s resistance to possible cyber threats will help ensure that everyone here will be able to focus on helping achieve even greater success.”

Nods echoed around the table as the powerful leaders of Edgewater Industries digested his carefully crafted words.

“Without firsthand knowledge of our systems here, what are the biggest global risks a company like Edgewater faces?” the chief financial officer asked.

“Speaking in general, phishing, ransomware, and crypto jacking are common types of attacks. These can shut a business down in a matter of minutes—sometimes seconds. Even more elaborate, cyber physical attacks like a takeover of a system regulated by technology, such as the air circulation system, could be deadly,” Pedro answered bluntly.

Silence answered him until Belinda interrupted. “So far, we’ve been smart. We’ve paid attention to the best practices and have trained our staff members to be alert. Edgewater Industries employees are loyal and want the company to succeed.”

“Thank you, Belinda. I have observed many positive established routines in effect today as I joined the Edgewater family. I look forward to working with each of you. Your insight and detailed information will help shape our future moves to guard the company from any vulnerabilities.”

“I have asked everyone here to create space in their schedules to meet with you in the next week. I believe Sharon has set meetings up for you,” Easton informed Pedro. He smiled as his carefully selected headhunter slid a sheet of paper in front of the newest employee.

Tags: Pepper North Romance