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Chapter 25

Zoe drifted awake slowly, warm and comfortable. Spence’s arm curled around her, his fingers caressing her skin and snugging her tightly against his body. She smiled, wriggling closer. His body left no doubt what he wanted to do with her. And her body agreed enthusiastically with his.

She didn’t want to open her eyes -- she was afraid this was a dream, and she didn’t want it to end. So she took a deep breath and let her eyes close again.

“I know you’re awake, Zoe.” Spence’s voice rumbled in her ear, hoarse and growly from sleep. “So unless you want to break all the rules we set, you better move away. Now.”

For a long moment, she didn’t budge. She did want to break those rules. She wanted to turn over and kiss Spence and forget all about those stupid rules.

But he was hurt. Sex was off the table. So she sighed and moved away from him. Rolled over and found him staring at her, his grey eyes dark.

“How are you feeling?” she asked, reaching out to brush some hair out of his eyes. Snatched her fingers back before they could touch him. Before she broke any more rules.

He stared at her for a long moment, then rolled onto his back. “I’m fine,” he said, his voice flat. “Back to normal.”

“I doubt that,” she murmured. She slid out of bed, glad to have the protection of a pair of pajama pants and a baggy tee shirt. “I’ll get you some ibuprofen.”

“I don’t need…” His voice trailed away when she didn’t stop. She continued into the bathroom, drew water into a glass and opened the bottle of tablets she’d left on the counter. Carried both out to him in the bed.

Spence stared at the tablets. The water. Then looked at her. “What if I told you I don’t need those?”

“I wouldn’t believe you,” she said, holding his gaze. “What is it with men, anyway? You think taking an anti-inflammatory drug is a sign of weakness? Even though it will make you feel better?”

He held her gaze for a long moment, then snatched the pills out of her hand. Shoved them into his mouth, took the water and washed them down, then handed her the glass. “I’m not an idiot,” he muttered. “I know my body.”

She held the glass in her hand and stared at him. “You telling me your head doesn’t hurt at all? That it’s completely back to normal?”

He opened his mouth to reply, then caught her eye and drew a deep breath. Turned away. “Fine,” he said after a long moment. “My head still hurts. The pills will help. Are you happy?”

“I’m happy you took them,” she said, turning away and returning the glass to the bathroom. “I’m going to start some coffee. You can stay in bed as long as you want. Fall back to sleep.”

Without looking at him again, she walked out of the room. She hoped he hadn’t noticed that her nipples had peaked against the fabric of her tee shirt, but she suspected he had. She felt his gaze on her until she reached the kitchen and disappeared into the room.

She’d wanted to grab her robe before she stomped out of her room but didn’t want to spoil her exit. Smiling at her ridiculousness, she got the coffee going and rummaged in the refrigerator for the box of English muffins and carton of eggs she knew she had.

By the time Spence walked into the kitchen, he was dressed in worn jeans and a Blackhawk Security sweatshirt. She glanced at him for a moment, loving the way the jeans hugged his thighs, then jerked her head toward the coffee maker. “Help yourself. I’m going to make some egg sandwiches. You want cheese and avocado on yours?”

“Whatever you put on yours is fine.”

She toasted the muffins, cooked the eggs and sliced the cheese and avocado. When they were ready, she slid them onto plates and set one in front of Spence. “You want some hot sauce on that?”

“I’d love some,” he said.

She took the Sriracha sauce out of the refrigerator and set it on the table, then slid into the chair across from him. Their usual places.

Her chest squeezed a little. After a week, they had their own chairs. Swallowing, she stared down at her muffin and knew that after he went back to Montana, she’d look across the table for a long time, hoping he’d be in that chair.

They ate in silence, both of them reading the news on their phones. Finally, when they finished eating, she carried the plates into the kitchen. When he tried to take over the cleanup, she bumped his hip away. “Go sit on the couch and figure out which scenarios we’re going over today.”

He stood behind her for a while, and a shiver ran up her back. Made her nape tingle. Finally he turned and left the kitchen.

Zoe took a deep breath. Finished the clean-up, then went into her room, closed the door and took a shower. Put on jeans and a sweater. Then, taking a deep breath to steady herself, she walked into the living room.

Spence had a sheaf of papers on his lap, and he was thumbing through them. He also had his laptop open, with more documents displayed.

“Have a seat,” he said, patting the couch beside him.

She lowered herself onto the couch, making sure to leave enough room between them that their bodies weren’t touching. She ached to slide closer, to feel the heat from his thigh burning into hers, but she knew it wouldn’t be smart. And she didn’t want him to think she was needy. Vulnerable. So she kept a respectable foot of space between them.

Tags: Margaret Watson Romance