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His grin disappeared, and he dropped his hand. Yeah, that wasn’t on the table, either.

“Sure, I’ll sleep in your bed with you,” he said. “For both our sakes. We’ll both be able to sleep. I won’t worry that Davies will somehow sneak into your condo. You won’t worry that I’ll die in my sleep. Win-win for both of us, right?”

She studied him for a long moment. “I think that was a reasonable request. Why are you pissed off?”

He exhaled sharply. He should have known she’d pick up on that -- Zoe was the most perceptive woman he’d ever met. “Not pissed off,” he finally said. “Disappointed is a better word.”

“For the record? I’m disappointed, too. But we agreed this was best. And I don’t want to do any damage to your head.”

She’d been messing with his head since the moment he walked into her condo a week ago and saw the strong woman he’d met months earlier. She’d had her arms wrapped around her waist to keep from shaking. Her face had been sheet-white. She’d looked shocked. Terrified.

But she’d straightened and asked him what she needed to do.

“Okay, Zoe. I’ll clean up and you can go get ready for bed. I’ll join you after I take care of the pizza.”

“Are you out of your mind?” she asked, staring at him with narrowed eyes. “You are not cleaning up after dinner. I’ll take care of this. You go get ready for bed.”

She snatched the two pizza boxes off the table, and he heard them slide across the kitchen counter, as if she’d shoved them on top of the granite.

Afraid she’d start yelling if she found him in the dining area instead of getting ready for bed, and knowing his head couldn’t handle it, he started across the living room. Ducked into his bedroom and put on a pair of sleep pants and a tee shirt. Brushed his teeth, then waited until he heard Zoe leave the kitchen.

Dropping onto his bed, he listened carefully until he was sure she was finished with her routine in the bathroom. Knew by the rustling of fabric that she’d changed her clothes. When he heard nothing more, he stepped out of his bedroom. Stood in the doorway of hers. “You okay? Ready for me to come in?”

She sighed. “Of course, Spence.” She patted the bed next to her. The side he’d slept on when they were sleeping together. “Come lay down.”

He lifted the sheet and quilt and slid into the bed. Lay on his back for a while, staring at the ceiling. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Zoe doing the same thing.

Awkward much? Finally he rolled onto his side with his back to Zoe. Punched his pillow and closed his eyes. He listened to the sound of Zoe breathing next to him, her slow, steady breaths telling him she’d fallen asleep.

Finally, his head pounding, his cock misbehaving and his whole body yearning, he managed to fall asleep, as well.

Tags: Margaret Watson Romance