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Next to her bed, he let her down, sliding her body against his until her feet were on the ground. Then he yanked back the covers and laid her on the sheet.

His gaze fixed on her, he stripped off his shirt. His pants. His shoes and socks. His boxer briefs. Now he was as naked as she was, and all she could focus on was the thick length of his erection.

Crouching beside the bed, his eyes level with hers, he said, “That was a poor excuse for a scream in that elevator. I guess I’m gonna have to try harder.”

“Can’t wait to see how you top that,” she said, leaning toward him and draping her arms around his neck. “I’ve been thinking about you all day. And at the pub, while we listened to the music. And on the drive home. I couldn’t talk to you, but I was thinking really loudly. I’m surprised you didn’t hear me.”

His mouth curled into a grin. “I caught snatches of it here and there. Whenever you looked at me.”

He pressed a kiss to her mouth that went on and on. His tongue stroked hers, and she did the same to him. She slid her tongue along the soft tissue behind his lip, and he groaned into her mouth. Tore his mouth away from hers. “I need to check the whole condo.” He walked toward the back door, and Zoe admired the flex and release of his powerful muscles. When he trotted back through the kitchen, her gaze followed him into first his bedroom, then hers.

Moments later he was back. “All clear,” he said, sliding into the bed beside her. Holding her with one hand, he used the other to shove the upper sheet and blanket all the way to the bottom of the bed. Then he stretched out beside her.

In moments they were wrapped together, kissing and touching each other everywhere.

“I just came and I want you again,” she murmured after managing to tear her mouth away from his. The teasing at the pub, in the car on the way home, in the elevator, had her amped up. Still edgy. “Slow’s for later. Right now, I’m ready to explode again. I need you.”

“I need you, too,” he said, reaching into her nightstand drawer for a condom. He slid it on quicky, then pushed into her. She didn’t want finesse. She didn’t want to wait. Neither, it seemed, did Spence. After all the touching, all the teasing, both of them were hovering on the precipice.

She wrapped her heels around his ass and met every thrust with one of her own. In moments, her climax crashed through her and she screamed, sobbing out her release. He groaned out his own release, and when he could move, flipped her so she was lying on top of him.

They clung to each other as their breathing slowed and their skin cooled, and Zoe turned her head and nuzzled the side of his face. His scruff scraped against her skin, igniting tiny fires wherever he touched. She tickled him with her eyelashes. Peppered his cheek with tiny kisses. Inhaled his outdoorsy scent.

She didn’t want to move. Wasn’t sure she could, even if she needed to. She cuddled into Spence, letting her fingers tangle in the hair on his chest, scrape against the stubble on his cheeks, comb through his silky hair. She wanted to catalogue everything about Spence, so she could call up the memories when he left.

Shoving that depressing thought away, she slid onto her side and stretched out beside him. As she was falling asleep, she felt him move away and reached out a hand to bring him back. She must have made a noise, because he kissed her. Lingered for a long moment. “Just pulling up the blanket,” he murmured.

“Hmmm,” she responded, already half-asleep.

“Are you passing out on me?” he whispered into her ear. “What about all the other things I want to do with you tonight?”

“Later,” she managed to say. “Sleep now.”

He chuckled as he tucked the blankets around her. “I’ll be here later,” he said. “Go ahead and sleep.”

* * *

Spence awoke from a deep sleep and shot up in bed. A sound. What was it?

He eased out of bed, yanked on his boxers, grabbed his gun and padded silently through the living room. Paused in front of the elevator but heard nothing from the shaft. So he continued into the kitchen, his bare feet silent on the tiled floor.

There it was again. The back door. Someone was trying to get in.

He ran as fast as he could to the door and threw the bolt. Someone clattered down the stairs, and by the time he got the door open and stuck his head into the stairwell, Spence saw nothing except the door on the next floor down snicking closed.

He took off running after the intruder, but by the time he reached the floor below Zoe’s and yanked the door open, all he saw was the elevator doors closing. He lunged for the control buttons, knowing it was too late. The elevator was already moving, probably right to the garage.

Slamming his hand against the door, he turned and trudged up the stairs. Walked into Zoe’s kitchen and made sure the door was locked. Then he hurried into the bedroom.

Zoe sat up in bed, the sheet pulled over her breasts. “What happened?” she asked.

“I heard someone at the back door.” He flopped onto the bed and rolled onto his side. “He was fiddling with the lock. By the time I got the door open, he was running down the stairs. I followed, but by the time I got to the next floor, he was at the elevator. The doors opened, he stepped inside and I was too late.”

He turned to face her. “The guy didn’t turn around and look at me, but I’ll bet anything it was Davies.”

Tags: Margaret Watson Romance