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When the light turned green he checked both the side mirrors and the rearview. Apparently nothing alarmed him, because he glanced over at her. “Don’t say another word until we get back to your condo, Zoe. I need to concentrate on driving and watching for Davies.”

“Okay. I won’t…”

He held up his hand. “Not. One. Word.”

She mimed zipping her lips and rested her head on the seatback. Turned to watch him drive. He made it seem effortless, but he constantly checked in every direction. Studied the sidewalks. The spaces between buildings. Spence was aware of everything.

Every time he glanced at her, the air between them jumped with electricity. Every molecule in her body was heavy with desire.

By the time they turned into the underground garage of her building, she was tense. Jittery. Need for Spence had dialed up from a simmer to full boil. Watching him work as he drove made her squirm in her seat and want him even more. She wanted that focused attention on her. His competent hands on her body. That sexy, magic mouth on her lips.

She wanted her hands and mouth on his lean, athletic body. Wanted to taste him. Kiss him. Drive him wild with desire.

When he pulled into his parking spot, she reached for the door handle. He grabbed her hand and shook his head. “Stay in the car. Wait for me to open the door.”

As he exited the car, he eased the door closed almost silently. Then he stood still, staring around the garage. His gaze touched on all the cars, slid into the dark corners, lingered on the area around the elevator.

Finally he came around to her side and opened her door. Drew her out with his left hand, leaving his right hand hovering over the gun beneath his arm. When she was out of the car, he closed the door and tilted his head. Listened.

Finally, he took her hand and led her to the elevator. They took it to the first floor, then stepped into the lobby. Crossed the space to get into her private elevator.

Sam the overnight doorman nodded at her. “Evening, Ms. Melbourne.”

She smiled at the doorman. “How’s it going, Sam? Everything quiet tonight?”

Sam nodded. “Yep. Just the way I like it.”

“Me, too,” she said quietly. Spence squeezed her hand as they stepped into the elevator.

As soon as the doors closed, Spence pressed Zoe up against one of the mirrored walls. Kissed her mouth, trailed his lips down her neck. Sucked at the hollow between her collarbones. “I made a promise to myself,” he said, lifting his head and holding her gaze.

“What promise is that?”

“I vowed I’d have you naked before we got to your condo.” His fingers worked the buttons on her shirt and the sides fluttered open. He stared at her deep blue bra. “That’s good, but not good enough.”

He slid her arms out of the shirt and dropped it on the floor. Then he flicked her bra open and let it fall on top of her blouse.

Zoe shivered when the cool air hit her hot, naked skin. Spence bent his head to kiss the valley between her breasts, then he took one nipple in his mouth. Swirled his tongue around it then released her with a pop.

As she panted with need, he unbuttoned her pants and shoved them down her legs, along with her underwear. Cupped her between her legs, and she moaned. “Spence,” she said, her voice cracking. “I want you naked, too.”

“Concentrating on you right now,” he murmured against her thigh. He took off one of her shoes. Slid one leg out of her pants. Then pushed her legs apart, crouched in front of her and put his mouth exactly where she needed him.

His tongue was magic, and in moments she was hovering on the edge. On the mirrored walls, she saw herself slumped against the glass, her hands gripping the railing to keep her upright. Spence’s head was between her legs, his light brown hair brushing the insides of her thighs as she watched.

Her hands tightened on the bar to keep herself upright. Watching Spence crouched in front of her was the sexiest thing she’d ever seen.

The woman reflected back at her in the mirror looked wanton. Her eyes were half-closed, and her throat rippled as she swallowed. Her mouth was open, and the sounds she made were wild. Sensual. Sexy as hell. She bit down on her lip to stop them, but it didn’t work.

Her red hair was tangled over her shoulders. Her body began to shake as she teetered on the edge of her climax. “Spence,” she moaned. “Oh, God, Spence. Don’t stop. Please.”

He shook his head, and his hair brushed the sensitive insides of her thighs again. She couldn’t stop the sounds that built into a scream as her climax exploded inside her.

By the time the doors dinged and slid silently open, she was shaking. Unable to move. Spence threw her clothes onto the living room floor, then scooped her up and held her against him. He guided her legs around his waist, and she gripped him as tightly as she could. Which wasn’t very tight. Her muscles were like wet noodles.

She began to slip, and his arms tightened. She nuzzled his neck and pressed her naked self against his fully clothed body. “You have way too many clothes on,” she murmured against his neck.

“That can be fixed.” He ran his fingers down her back. Smoothed his palm over her ass. Then he tightened his arms around her and walked toward her bedroom.

Tags: Margaret Watson Romance