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“I’d settle for another round or two of magnificence,” she said, running her toes up and down his calf. She needed to keep this light. Keep it part of the game. Spence was leaving as soon as Ethan was captured. This… this affair had an expiration date.

So she carefully extracted herself from his grip, ignoring her sadness. As she slid off the bed, he grabbed her arm. “Where’re you going?”

“Bathroom,” she said, trying to smile so she sounded happy. Content. Which she absolutely was. How could she not be happy after a night of amazing sex?

“You want to take a shower?” he asked.

The sheets rustled as he rolled onto his side, and she looked over her shoulder at him. “Thinking about it. Want to join me?”

A slow smile curved his mouth. “You know I do, babe.”

Her throat clenched at the easy endearment, but she managed to smile. “Give me a minute to take care of business, then come on in.”

A few minutes later, they were both in her walk-in shower. The warm water beat down on them, and Spence looked good enough to eat. He must have thought the same of her, because he was sporting an impressive erection.

When he caught her looking at him, he smiled. “It’s early,” he said, his voice rough as his gaze touched every bit of her body. “We don’t have to be at your office for a couple of hours. We could have a lot of fun in this shower.”

“Sounds like you have some ideas,” she said, leaning close and pressing a kiss to his chest. “Why don’t you show me?”

He boosted her into his arms and pressed her against the wall of the shower, then wrapped his arms around her as he slid inside her. He nibbled at her neck and sucked the tender skin beneath her collarbone, and she tightened her legs around his waist. In minutes, their cries competed with the pounding water, and she bit his shoulder as she screamed her release. He followed her over the edge but held her against his chest for a very long time.

By the time they turned off the water, it had turned cold and both of them had pruned skin. Spence stepped out of the shower, grabbed a fluffy towel and handed it to her, then took another for himself. He held her gaze as he dried himself off. “Best shower I’ve ever had,” he said as he hung the towel on the towel rack.

“Yeah,” she said with a smile as she hung up her towel. “It was very… stimulating.”

Spence grinned, circled his arm around her waist and pulled her against him for a long, deep kiss. “You are something else, Zoe Melbourne.”

“You’re not too bad yourself, Spencer Flynn,” she replied.

They shared a smile, then returned to the bedroom to get dressed.

As Zoe made the bed, she wondered if Spence would spend tonight with her, as well. She hoped so but wasn’t going to ask. She didn’t want to be clingy. Demanding. Any of the things that neither of them wanted.

They ate a quick breakfast, then descended into the parking garage for Spence’s car. As he drove onto the street, he said, “You keep an eye open for anyone who looks like Davies. I will, too. And if that current picture of him isn’t in my inbox by the time we get to your office, I’ll call Mel and chew her out.”

“It’ll be there,” Zoe said as she scanned the street, peering down the side streets and examining every pedestrian. By the time they pulled into her building’s garage, she drew a deep breath. No sign of Ethan anywhere.

They were later than she usually was, and when they reached her floor, Janet looked up. “Mail’s here,” she said. “On your desk.”

Janet’s face was carefully neutral, and Zoe knew what that meant. She yanked open the door and found the now-familiar brown package on top of the stack of mail.

Spence eased her gently away from the package. He already wore a pair of the vinyl gloves, and he carefully opened the package. A tiny lock fell out of the bubble wrap.

Tags: Margaret Watson Romance