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“Wait and see,” he said. He reached for the button on her pants and popped it through the buttonhole. Slid the zipper down excruciatingly slowly, pressing kisses to every bit of creamy skin exposed. When he reached the bottom of the zipper, he sat back on his heels and tugged her pants off her legs. Tossed them to the side.

She wore a tiny purple silk bikini, and he wanted to tear it off with his mouth. Instead, he pressed his mouth to the vee of her legs, inhaling her sexy scent through the already-damp fabric. She jerked against his mouth and moaned. He smiled.

“I love hearing you moan,” he said. “A lot. Now I’m gonna see if I can make you scream.”

“Sorry,” she said, already breathless. “I don’t make a lot of noise during sex. Don’t take it personally.”

He wondered if she realized she’d just double-dog dared him. The lift of one eyebrow told him she knew. Oh, she knew.

Game on, then. Making her moan and scream became his mission. And he always completed his missions. He’d take it very personally if he couldn’t coax any noise out of her.

He licked her once through the silky fabric and savored her sharp intake of breath. That was a good start. Then he drew the purple bikini down her legs and tossed it away. Blew a small puff of air against her and smiled at the goosebumps that rose on her skin.

“I’m going to make you scream,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to her belly. Her skin jumped beneath his mouth, and he moved lower. Savored her sweet, tangy taste.

She gripped his shoulders, her nails biting into his skin. Then he swirled his tongue over her. Sucked on her. Kissed her. She made helpless little sounds that escalated to chanting his name. And when she finally came, she screamed so loudly that his ears hurt.

But he didn’t stop tasting her. She thrashed on the bed, still gripping him as she moaned. Finally, she yanked on his hair. “Inside me,” she demanded. “Now.” She fumbled in a drawer and tore open a condom. Reached to put it on him, but he took it from her and did it himself. If she touched him now, it would be all over.

He eased inside her slowly, and she curled her legs around his ass. Lifted to him. When he began to move, she met every thrust. She began to whimper, and he knew she was coming again. He held himself back until she exploded, screaming again, then gave in to his own release.

When he’d regained the use of his muscles, he flipped them over so she was lying on top of him. Then he nestled her head into his neck and swept one hand down her back and over her hips, over and over. When the condom finally loosened, he rolled her onto the bed. “I’ll be right back,” he whispered.

A minute later, after disposing of the condom, he slid into the bed beside her. Tucked her against him and breathed in her scent.

After a long time, she said, “You’re not going to crow because you made me scream?”

“Hell, no,” he said immediately. “Not going to do that because I intend to make you scream again. Many times.”

Her mouth curved up against his skin. “I like the sound of that. But I’m going to make you scream, too.”

“Do your best, babe,” he said, smiling into her hair.

* * *

Zoe woke to the weak light of dawn streaming into her bedroom window. She was wrapped around Spence like a vine, their limbs twined together. Her legs were tangled with his, and their arms banded each other. Her nose was pressed into his neck, inhaling his woodsy scent with every breath. How could he smell woodsy when they were in the middle of a city? She had no idea, and she didn’t care.

He had made her scream several more times during the night, and she’d coaxed loud cries out of him. Their voices had blended together, a single song of lust and pleasure and release. They’d finally fallen asleep just a few hours ago, sated, exhausted and high on all the pleasure they’d shared.

She should get up and get ready for work, but she wanted to stay right where she was, with Spence’s hard body plastered against hers from their legs to their chests. She knew this wasn’t long term, knew he’d be leaving soon, but she wanted as much time with him as possible before he caught Ethan and returned to Montana. She might be late to work today, but she worked long hours and could allow herself this time with Spence.

At that thought, an insistent alarm shrilled in her head. This was new. Different. She’d never wanted to linger in bed with another lover. Never angled to get as much time as possible with one.

Spence was here because of the danger that Ethan represented. But maybe Spence had brought a whole different kind of danger. It wouldn’t be so easy to walk away from Spence.

His breath ruffled her hair and interrupted her thoughts. “Time to get up?” he said, his voice raspy.

Forgetting her concerns, she said, “In a minute.” Her voice was raspy, too, and she smiled. Totally worth it.

“You want to soak in my magnificence?” he said, his voice lazy.

“No, I want to give you a chance to soak in mine,” she said immediately.

He laughed, his breath stirring the hair behind her ear. “Trust me, Zoe. You’re always magnificent. Even when we’re not in bed together.”

Touched by his words, she nuzzled his neck and pressed a kiss to the soft skin beneath his ear. “Same goes for you,” she murmured. “I had no idea sex could be like that.”

“Then you made very bad choices in all your previous ‘dates’,” he said, dropping a kiss on her head. “They should have their asses kicked.”

Tags: Margaret Watson Romance