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“When I got back from that mission, I was supposed to take a week off. Decompress. But this job came up, and I insisted on taking it. So I could see you again.”

“For one night,” she said, staring at the black asphalt beneath her feet.

“I figured one night was better than nothing.”

She shook her head slowly. “So I can start all over from scratch, trying to get over you? Not sure I can do that, Nico,” she whispered. “I just stopped crying myself to sleep. Just stopped dreaming about you every damn night. As much as I want you, as much as I’ve missed you, it would destroy me to watch you walk away again. So, no. Go do your job. Then go back to Montana and get ready for your next job. I can’t be the woman you show up to see, out of the blue, every month or two. I’ll never get my life back if you stroll in and out whenever it’s convenient for you.”

She swallowed and stared at his chest, unable to meet his gaze. “I wanted it all with you, Nico. Even though you were here for less than a month, I saw a future with you. Marriage, maybe. Even a couple of kids. A dog. And I know that’s not possible for you. So please, just forget about me. Let me be a long-ago memory, someone you cared about in the past. I’m not going to be a booty call for the man I love.”

She moved past him, and he stepped aside as she passed. As she walked up the steps, she felt his gaze on her back. But she didn’t turn around. Didn’t stop. She unlocked the door, stepped into the kitchen and turned on the light. Locked the door behind her. Then she walked into her living room. Took a deep breath and began to pace until her anger faded away and she was numb again.

When she was certain she wouldn’t cry herself to sleep again, she fell into bed.

Tags: Margaret Watson Romance