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"No, we didn't," I replied as I sat down at my desk to review the papers that had been placed there for me to review. "Anyway, how's Elaine? Is she adjusting to bed rest well enough? " Jake scoffed as he shook his head at me.

"Fine, don't tell me," he said after a moment, before taking a deep breath. "Elaine's doing well enough. She did say that she would prefer to see Addison again later down the road, but I already have a feeling that you're going to be keeping Addison to yourself for a while based on the way you're acting." I was about to respond when there was a knock on the door.

"Excuse me," came Addison's professional yet timid voice, as she peeked her head around the doorway to look at us two. "There's a Gerald Harrison here to see you two." Confused by her announcement, Jake and I exchanged looks, and I already knew that he was thinking the same thing that I was.

Gerald Harrison was one of the many friends we had made in college together while we were going to business school in our youth, but he wasn't exactly the friendliest person. He preferred to stick to himself and go by the books no matter what, and he had ended up becoming a movie director in the end. Originally, we thought that he would have ended up opening his own business the same way we had, but in the end, he decided to go a completely different route and even dropped out of college. We hadn't seen him since the day he told us that he had dropped out.

"Go ahead and send him in," Jake was instructing Addison before I could even stop him. She immediately nodded her head and disappeared from the doorway, and I turned to look at him, shocked and confused.

"What on earth are you doing?" I asked, trying to figure out what exactly he was up to. Surprisingly enough, he turned and smiled at me, and I saw the glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"If that person out there is who he says he is, we haven't seen him since college and it would be great to catch up," he told me in a low voice. "I don't see why we can't let him in and see if he is who he says he is. Do you?" I considered this for a moment before shrugging my shoulders.

"I guess you're right," I said as I leaned back in my chair, preparing myself for the unexpected visitor. "I don't know about you, but I think it'd be great to see old Gerry again." Before another word could be spoken, the door flew open and Gerald Harrison marched into the room, smiling at the two of us when he saw us.

"I can't believe it's you!" he exclaimed, charismatically, as he raced over to the two of us in order to shake our hands. "I've been away from town for so long that I didn't hear about you guys opening up your company. When I finally returned, I thought that I'd better check out the building for myself and see if the rumors were true. How have the two of you been?" My jaw dropped as I stared at him in disbelief, unable to comprehend the fact that the man before me was Gerald Harrison, my best friend from college.

Gerald Harrison, also known as Gerry, had always been a charismatic man who got along with just about everybody he met. It's what made him seem like a perfectly natural option for a business partner. Between his youthful good looks and his behavior, lots of people were already talking about all the businesses that they could start and offering him equal partnerships for each and every one. However, he kept rejecting each and every one of them and dropped out before anybody could stop him.

Surprisingly enough, time had been more kind to him than it had been to Jake and I. He still had his youthful appearance even though he was our age, and he seemed to have a lot more energy than the two of us combined. As soon as he finished shaking our hands, he looked us up and down, examining the two of us.

"The two of you look old," he exclaimed in a good-natured voice as he winked at me. "I can still say you're the best looking one here though." Jake scoffed and rolled his eyes as he shook his head at Gerry.

"So you really came back just to see if the rumors were true about us owning a company?" he asked, ignoring the compliment that Gerry had just given me. "Or is there something else you want?" Gerry raised an eyebrow as he turned to look at Jake.

"There's no reason to be harsh," he informed Jake. "If you're wondering why I came, it's because it's been so long since the three of us have had any time together that I thought I'd catch up with you guys while I'm here." Confusion washed over me as I raised an eyebrow at him.

"And how long are you going to be here?" I asked. "Also, what brings you to town?" Gerry chuckled as he turned to look at me.

"I'm probably going to be here for about a year," he informed the two of us. "I'm here to do a movie shoot, and I don't plan on leaving until the project's done."


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Tags: Jess Winters Billionaire Romance