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"Are you sure this place is okay?" I asked as I looked around the fancy restaurant that Roger had taken me to for lunch. "It seems a bit fancy." Roger smiled at me reassuringly as he guided me towards the hostess stand, where the hostess raised an eyebrow as soon as she saw us.

"Honestly, even though it wasn't my choice, this is where Jake wanted us to meet him for lunch," he informed me as the hostess guided us towards a table. I felt my jaw drop as I stared at him in horror.

"What do you mean, Jake wanted us to meet him for lunch?" I asked, the nausea rising up inside me as the panic threatened to take over. "I thought it was just going to be the two of us." He winced as he shook his head at me.

"As much as I hate to say it, he's the one who invited us to lunch," Roger admitted as we sat down at the table. "He said that he wanted to talk to the two of us, and I highly doubt it's about the quarterly reports or the fact that you're going to have to act as our assistant since Elaine is pregnant and on bed rest." Part of me was terrified of the fact that it was possible that Jake already knew about the two of us, and it had barely been half a day. However, I was more concerned with the fact that he had just informed me that Elaine was finally pregnant.

Throughout my employment, I had come to be great friends with Elaine, and she had been telling me how she had been trying for months to get pregnant, but nothing seemed to be working. She had just barely started to lose hope as recently as yesterday, and I had a feeling that it was going to have a big impact on her work life. The only thing I could think of doing was to be there for her no matter what, as her best friend at work.

"That's amazing," I said as I completely ignored the menu that had been placed in front of me. "I'm so happy for her." Roger smiled as he turned his attention towards the menu, and I found myself staring down at the menu before me as well.

Even though Roger had said that it was going to be his treat, I couldn't help but wince at the prices that I had seen whenever I opened up the menu. Everything was so expensive here, and the food was all so fancy, most of which I had never even heard of.Part of me wanted to change my mind and just stick with the smallest thing humanly possible so that if it came to it, I could afford it, but I couldn't even afford an appetizer, much less a main course.

"What's that look for?" Jake said as he approached the table. "You look as though you've seen a ghost." Both men stared at me as Jake sat down across from me, and I struggled to think of what to say.

"I just never realized how expensive this place was," I said with a nervous smile, trying not to offend the two men sitting across from me. "It seems rather fancy and expensive for lunch. Are you sure you guys want to eat here?" Jake threw back his head and laughed at me as he nudged Roger in the rib cage.

"You didn't tell her this was my treat?" he asked as he looked over at Roger. Roger looked a bit confused as he shrugged his shoulders at him.

"I don't think she's ever been to some place like this before," he told Jake in a low voice, and I felt an embarrassed blush creep into my cheeks. He then turned his attention back towards me. "Would you rather go somewhere else?" I started to open my mouth in order to agree with him. However, I saw the strange look on Jake's face and realized that this was his treat, so he should get to choose where we eat. It was someplace fancy, so be it, but I couldn't help the guilt that was rising up inside me.

"Here's okay," I said as I glanced back down at the menu. "However, I don't know what about half the items on the menu are." Both men seemed to relax as Roger nodded his head.

"Would you rather I order for you?" he asked, and I immediately agreed.

"Yes, please," I replied politely as I put down the menu, feeling better about the situation I was in. As long as I wasn't the one ordering, I didn't feel as guilty about choosing something so expensive on the menu.

The waiter came by shortly after to take our order, and, once he had poured wine for the three of us, he disappeared into the kitchen to place our orders, and both Roger and Jake started talking business while I sat there awkwardly staring down at the ruby red tablecloth before me.

"So I assume that somebody told you the news about Elaine?" Jake said, turning his attention back towards me. I smiled as I looked back up at him, happy to finally join the conversation rather than sitting there awkwardly.

"Roger told me as we were being seated," I informed him, and I saw the pointed look that Jake gave Roger, indicating that he wasn't supposed to tell just yet.

"Yes, well, as you know, that means that she's going to be on bed rest for a while due to how delicate her condition is," Jake said as he turned his attention back towards me. "The doctors are afraid that if she ends up stressing herself out even a little bit, she's going to end up miscarrying, and since it was so hard to get her pregnant in the first place, it could end up being a bit more catastrophic than normal." The waiter came back with our food, and Jake continued. "For the time being, I wanted to ask you how you would feel about acting as our receptionist for the time being until Elaine and I can get everything situated with the baby. Of course, it would mean that you would get a pay raise in order to make up for the extra work you'd be doing, and you'd be allowed any overtime hours you needed in order to complete all the work." My jaw dropped as I stared at him in disbelief before turning to Roger, who was grinning from ear to ear with approval.

"I would love to," I answered as the steaming plate of food was placed down in front of me. It was a rich and powerful dish that I had never seen before, and my mouth watered as soon as the smell hit my nose. "When are you going to have me start working?" Jake and Roger exchanged looks, and I saw Roger nod as Jake turned back to look at me.

"We'll have you start first thing Monday," he told me. "However, I did have a few questions about you and Roger, too."



"Is there anything you need me to do?" Addison asked as she knocked on the door of my office. I immediately looked up from the paperwork I had been working on and smiled at my little one as I shook my head.

"Not really," I said as I looked at my watch. " It looks like it's almost time to leave anyway. Are you ready to go?" She glanced back over at her desk before responding.

"I am, though we do have a bit of time before we have to get out of here," she replied as she made her way into my office, swaying her hips back and forth the same way she had the night that we ended up together. "Are you sure there's nothing you need right now?" Realizing what she meant, I started to smile as I looked around, contemplating whether or not it was a good idea.

We had only been together for a couple of weeks now, and things were going much better than I had anticipated. She had adapted well to being my little one and even spent the weekends at my house, but we never really did anything at work that was considered too risky. She had always been too worried about getting caught and didn't want anybody to spread any rumors about her while at work. However, now that Jake knew about the two of us being together and had even convinced her that he would stay out of our business, she had been a bit more open to some of the suggestions I had made over the last few weeks.

"What exactly did you have in mind?" I asked as I leaned back in my chair, watching her approach. She thought for a moment before shrugging her shoulders and placing a hand on my own.

"Anything you want, Daddy," she said in a low voice. "You've been working so hard on all those reports that people keep bringing in for you. I thought you might like a chance to relax. However, if you don't think you need anything, I guess I should finish getting ready to go so that I can leave when you're ready." She started to walk away when I caught her hand in mine and pulled her back into the arousal in my pants, driving me crazy.

"You're not going anywhere," I snapped in a husky voice, driven completely crazy by the lust that I was feeling at that exact moment. "What did I tell you about teasing Daddy?" She smiled mischievously as she looked at me up and down, and I realized that she was looking for trouble the moment she walked in.

Tags: Jess Winters Billionaire Romance