Page 61 of All Snowed In

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Shit, shit, shit.

I didn’t know my brother was behind me and I didn’t think Jack knew in time either. I knew that he heard what I said, and I couldn’t backpedal now.

I took a few breaths and turned to face him. “Yes, Jefferson. I just found out a couple of days ago.”

“Is that why Simon is here at the lodge? Is this his fault?” Jefferson asked as my mouth dropped open.

“How did you know he was here?” I asked as he scoffed.

“Ben called me to let me know since you didn’t seem to think it was important. He wanted me to keep an eye on you.” My brother’s eyes flashed in anger. “That asshole doesn’t deserve you, Avery.” He started towards the lobby, and I pressed my hand to my mouth.

Everything was falling apart and fast.

“I’ll get the bill. Deal with Jefferson,” Jack told me in a soothing voice despite the worry on his face.

I nodded and stood, following my brother to the front desk where Simon stood, checking out. He looked crestfallen and I called out Jefferson’s name just as he reached my ex.

“Did you come here just to throw it in Avery’s face that you ruined her life?” Jefferson demanded as I reached out to touch his arm. “Are you the father, Simon?”

Simon looked confused and I squeezed Jefferson’s arm. “What are you talking about? I just came to ask her to come back to New York.”

“Simon isn’t the father, Jefferson.” I saw the shock on all their faces and focused on the reason Simon showed up here at all. At least I could take care of that once and for all.

“For the record, you were a horrible boss and boyfriend, Simon. I’ll never work for you again nor would I ever consider getting back together with you.” I watched his face fall as he tried to hold his shoulders high, which was a tell that he was trying to act like this didn’t matter. “Check out of my lodge and while you’re at it, check out of my life. You’re not a part of it any longer.”

Simon stared at me in shock for a moment, shaking his head. He shoved the receipt back towards Lacey and looked between me and Jefferson. “Your loss. Fuck this.” Simon turned to leave, and I wished that this was my biggest problem today.

In the end, Simon didn’t matter at all.

I felt Jefferson take my arm, leading me towards the hallway. Fuck. Here we go.

“If Simon isn’t the father, who the hell is? I guess you’re not the virgin Mary after all, are you?” He shot at me as pain flooded my heart. Jefferson was being an asshole, but this would get much worse if her knew the truth.

“Funny, Jefferson. I’ve been seeing someone, not that you need to know all my business like you think you do.” I told him, wondering where to go from there. I saw Charlie a few feet away, still and staring at me as he pieced together what was happening here. It clicked and he stepped forward, giving me a look that told me everything would be okay.

I reached out to stop him, knowing how much this could hurt my brother and their friendship.

“It’s me, Jefferson. I’ve been seeing Avery since my birthday party,” Charlie told him as Jefferson turned to face his best friend with rage in his eyes.

“You lying son of a bitch,” Jefferson grated out before I watched in horror as his fist connected with Charlie’s jaw, moving in slow motion. “I thought you were my best friend.”

I gasped and turned to my brother, slapping him across the face. “Remember this when you feel like hitting anyone the next time. Charlie didn’t deserve that, Jefferson. How could you?”

“Yes, he does. He deserves a hell of a lot more than that. He’s been my best friend for years and he knows how I feel about you.” Jefferson growled as I turned to see Charlie holding his face, wincing in pain.

“Are you okay?” I asked Charlie, touching his hand as our eyes locked.

“I don’t want to see any of you for a while. I need to-I need to deal with this shit,” Jefferson insisted, storming towards his office.

Good riddance.

Ben walked over to us, looking around in confusion. “What the hell is happening here?”

I now needed to tell my third boyfriend the good news and cursed the way this seemed to be happening. “I’m pregnant and Jefferson overheard me telling Jack.”

Shock crossed Ben’s face as he looked at Charlie. “Why did he punch Charlie?”

Tags: Lisa Cullen Erotic