Page 60 of All Snowed In

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“How did Ben know?” I asked as Avery took another sip of her water, nearly draining the glass.

“He saw me yelling at Simon on the patio and asked what was going on. Ben offered to stay in town, but I told him not to worry. I haven’t even been here the last two days and I don’t think Simon is brave enough to come to the house. Not that he knows where it is to begin with. He never tried to come here before.” Avery explained as I nodded slowly. The idea of someone being threatening to Avery in any manner made me feel worried and I checked my watch. “I think there’s a chance he left early out of boredom.”

“If not, I’ll gladly show him the door.” I assured her as she stabbed a piece of chicken, looking at her fork as if she didn’t even want to eat it again. “Does Jefferson know about Simon?”

“Not that I’m aware of. I told Ben I didn’t want any unnecessary drama here at the lodge. Jefferson just started to get new guests and customers at the restaurant here. He needs to have a good reputation, not one that looks bad.” Avery always worried for others more than herself and that didn’t make me feel any better.

“You don’t need a stalker ex hanging around, Avery. That’s not causing drama. It’s getting rid of a problem.” I explained as she rolled her eyes.

“I’ve been ignoring any contact from him on my phone. Don’t worry.”

“How did he find out where you were?” I asked, watching her face closely.

“My best friend’s fiancé back in New York is friends with Simon and they ran into each other at a party. She told him I worked here and was doing incredible to rub it in his face, I’m sure. Beth would never expect Simon to come here just like I didn’t. It’s not hard to find the name of the lodge and he said he was here for a skiing trip, which he’s barely into to begin with.” Avery explained, seeming to put a lot of focus on the fact her friend didn’t mean any harm.

Actually, she seemed like she was hyper focused on this subject in the first place, but my adrenaline was at top speed. I wanted to find this guy and tell him to leave Avery the fuck alone and I suspected that I knew three men that would back me on that. Jefferson already hated him for what he did to his sister.

“Check out is soon so hopefully he leaves quietly,” I murmured, and she nodded, taking a deep breath. “You wouldn’t go back there for him for either reason, right?”

“No. Never. Beth mentioned the job interview as well so that might have gotten him started about that offer. Simon probably thinks he’ll do better this time around since he blamed everything on his partner in the business, but I doubt that.”

“Have you heard anything on the interview?” I asked, not wanting to know. I didn’t want her to leave at all, but she supported me in my dreams, and I’d do the same for her.

“No. Not yet.” Her answer was curt, and I nodded slowly. I suspected a few people asked her about the subject recently and wondered if she was having that much trouble deciding on a choice.

“I support your decision, whatever that is.” I assured her, meeting her eyes. “You came here with your own dreams, Avery.”

“I did.” Her voice was hollow as she stared at the table.

I chatted about the slopes and my training over the rest of the meal, trying to pinpoint what else might be bothering Avery. She responded but she was clearly distracted by something else.

I wondered if spending Christmas with her family made Avery wonder about her choice to go back to New York. They were close from all the accounts I heard, and it could make her decision hard.

Simon could also be messing with her head being here like some lovesick asshole. Granted, Avery was easy to love but he didn’t deserve her. He messed with her passion and livelihood and didn’t deserve anything from her.

Part of me wanted to thank him for sending her to me since she was such an important part of my life, but I’d never give myself that satisfaction. I just wanted to tell him to leave her alone.

I finished my food and pushed my plate away, taking a long drink of my tea. Avery had only eaten maybe half of hers and she pushed it away, glancing at her watch.

“Do you have to go back soon?” I asked as she sighed.

“Yeah. I don’t want to. I just don’t feel too good today.”

That piqued my curiosity, and I tilted my head. “What do you mean? Are you sick?”

Avery’s eyes widened and she stared at me for a moment. She seemed to stumble over her thoughts, and she looked at me and I desperately needed to know what was going on with her.

“Avery? What’s going on?” I asked again, leaning forward to meet her eyes. “Are you sick?”

Avery’s mouth opened and closed, and she shut her eyes. “Yes and no. I felt a little sick over the holidays and did some math. I went to the store to find out what was going on and-” I watched her shiver, and my eyes caught the sight of Jefferson walking up behind her. My heart dropped when she spoke. “I’m pregnant.”

“It’s going to be okay, Avery,” I assured her as I watched her brother’s face fall at the words. Emotions passed through his eyes, and he sorted through what she said, and then I saw the anger in his set jaw.

“You’re pregnant, Avery?” At his words, her eyes widened, and she let out a sigh.

This was real now. This was so fucking real.


Tags: Lisa Cullen Erotic