Page 44 of All Snowed In

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I led the way to the dining room table lit up by the fire and a lamp on the table by the bed. Avery locked the door and followed me, sitting across from me as I opened the boxes.

“You get these a lot?” Avery teased me as I nodded, reaching for some garlic bread.

“I do when it’s my turn. I eat at the lodge so much that I need a break from it, even if the desserts are the best in town. I need to watch my figure a little,” I joked as she chuckled. “Help yourself.”

Avery reached for a slice of pepperoni pizza, taking a bite before she smiled. “Thanks. That’s good.” She told me after she swallowed and took a sip of the wine I had in the center of the table.

“Do you want to talk about whatever is bothering you? I don’t see you like this very often, Avery.” As she reached for her pizza, I searched her face.

“I had a job interview today. It would take me back to New York,” she explained as my heart dropped in my chest.

“When do you hear if you got it?” I asked, and she shrugged, shaking her head.

“Within the week since they interviewed other people. I don’t even know why I’m worrying about something that hasn’t happened yet.” Avery shrugged out of her jacket and hung it on the chair with a happy sigh. “It feels good in here. Thanks for inviting me to dinner.”

“It’s no problem.” I gazed at her, seeing the conflict in her eyes. “Is it a good job?”

“It would have been my dream job while I was there. It offers every opportunity I’ve ever wanted since I knew I wanted to be a pastry chef.” She took a bite of pizza and focused on chewing it. “I’m supposed to be excited about this, Ben.”

I didn’t say anything as we kept eating, not sure where to go with this. Avery had to know I didn’t want her to leave Lake Placid after our time together. I didn’t want to be that guy to tell her not to pursue her dreams.

When we finished eating, I cleaned up the empty boxes and stacked them on the table as Avery gazed at me.

“You said you usually don’t get any calls?” she asked as I arched a brow at her.

“That’s right. This is a just a formality.” I told her as Avery smiled. “I just like staying in a room for the weekend, or in this case, a cabin. It feels a bit like a vacation.”

I stood and held out my hand, pulling her into my arms. Avery smiled as I pulled her against me, dancing slowly with her.

“There’s no music.” Her eyes met mine as she smiled, sliding her arms around my neck.

“I have something playing in my head and I can play something for you, if you’d like. I just wanted to hold you for a while. This was a great surprise, Avery.” I stroked her back, feeling the heat through her tee shirt.

“Have you even danced with someone before, Ben?” Avery asked, playing with my hair.

“I danced with my mom at a few family weddings, but it’s not something I do regularly. I just felt like it with you.” Avery smiled at the thought, and I pressed my forehead against hers. “You’ve made my life great, Avery.”

“Have I?” she asked, leaning up to kiss me. “You tell me that tonight of all times, Ben?”

“I didn’t want a woman in my life after the divorce. Jefferson invited me here, and I came to work and not much else. I’d even met you before in passing and don’t remember you making such an impression on me, but you sure did this time.” As she stared at me, I smiled at her. “I’d never ask you to make a choice for me. You shouldn’t give up your dreams in life for another person, but you mean something to me.”

“I appreciate that, Ben.” Avery told me, pressing closer to me. “You mean something to me, too.”

We kept dancing, and just holding each other as the fire crackled. I knew Avery had a lot on her mind and just wanted to make her smile tonight. Whether she took the job, I had this time with her and the memories I’d always keep.

New York wasn’t that far away, and we could still see each other, just not like we do now. People could visit and she’d still be here to see her family, especially with Polly being due with the baby in a few months. Avery would want to know her niece.

Besides, she’d stay through Christmas at least. That was part of the reason Avery was here to begin with, and we still had some time together. I felt like she made a stronger connection with Lake Placid this visit and would want to come back.

I idly wondered if this ended this way as I spun her around the room. Jefferson could never know about us, so was there even a future with Avery, Jack, Charlie and myself? It would certainly be tough to explain to anyone and how it worked for us.

I just knew it did and wanted it to be enough for her to stay. Avery could make a name for herself here as well, with her pastries. She didn’t need New York City and some review in a paper for people to know her stuff was amazing. Avery already was without all of that.

She just needed to make that decision on her own.

Avery buried her face in my chest as she tightened her arms around my neck. “These have hot tubs, don’t they?”

“Sure do.” I replied, grinning at her question.

Tags: Lisa Cullen Erotic