Page 43 of All Snowed In

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After Simon, I didn’t think I’d get involved with anyone again. The fact I was falling for three men was nearly impossible for me to wrap my mind around some days. It had to be three men that were directly involved with my brother, which made it that much more daunting.

It grew darker out and I watched as the moon lit up the surrounding area, helped slightly by the lights along the path. There was something so beautiful about this place I’d never seen before. I’d probably been all over this lodge over the years, but the stillness captivated me right now.

“Avery? Are you okay?” I turned to see Ben staring at me from the end of the path approaching the lodge.



It was cold as hell outside and my turn to work on call at the lodge. The senior staff took turns working overnight shifts in case something should happen that requires attention.

That could include some kind of accident or a case of frozen pipes, but the lodge was well taken care of, and nothing much usually happened. The guests were inside eating a hot dinner or sitting by the fire to cool down after a long day on the slopes.

I stayed on sight the nights I was on call and ended up in a free cabin this evening. I needed a walk before they delivered my pizza from town so I could just hang out in front of my fire to eat after getting some fresh air. I could eat in the lodge just as easily, but I was feeling like I needed some time away from people.

At least, I felt that way until I realized I wasn’t alone out in this frigid weather. I saw Avery sitting on a bench, her shoulders slumped as she let out a few long sighs. She was someone I always wanted around, and I slowly approached her.

What was wrong with her?

As I got closer, she didn’t seem to sense my presence at all, and I paused as I watched her.

“Avery? Are you okay?” I asked as she turned her head to meet my eyes with a wide gaze.

“Ben? What are you doing here?” Avery asked as she straightened her shoulders. “You’re normally off by now.”

“It’s my night to be on call, so I’m staying in one of the cabins.” I looked at her closely, seeing something in her eyes that told me something was wrong with Avery. Her cheeks were bright pink from the cold, and I wondered how long she’d been out here. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m tired and have some stuff on my mind. I was just out here to clear my head a bit.” She replied with a shrug.

“Want to do that somewhere warm with me? You must be freezing,” I told her as she frowned at me. “I have a pizza coming and we can eat inside.”

“You don’t mind?” She asked as I shook my head.

“There’s nobody I’d rather get warm with, Avery.” I glanced around and gestured with my head for her to stand up. “Come on. I’ll lead the way.”

She stood and approached me, and I led the way to my cabin. The pizza should be there soon, so we’d make good time.

“So, how often are you on call?” Avery asked as we walked, breaking the silence.

“There’s four of us that take turns with shifts each weekend when the usual crew gets some time off. It’s not like anything usually happens, but we take the chance to stay in one of the rooms, or in my case, a cabin.” I grinned at her. “I have a hot tub and everything for the night.”

“Hmmm. that might feel good,” Avery remarked, cracking a smile.

“At least I have the fire going. That feels great when it’s this cold out.” I glanced at her again. “You don’t have plans tonight?”

“No. I just finished up prepping some desserts for the dinner rush and thought I’d take a walk.” She smiled and looked around at the snow surrounding us.

“I heard they’re as much of a hit as the beignets.” I’d heard great things about her new pastries and wondered if they might keep her here in Lake Placid.

“Thanks. People seem to like them, and it keeps me busy in the kitchen.” I paused in front of my cabin and watched as someone jogged over with my pizza and some breadsticks.

“It’s too damn cold out here for deliveries, Ben.” I chuckled at Carl and reached into my pocket for the cash I had for him.

“I hope that helps.” I wasn’t an asshole and tipped well for this weather, and Carl glanced at the bills.

“It does. Thanks, man.” Carl gave me a nod and glanced over at Avery for a moment before turning to return to his truck. I wanted to tell him to keep his eyes away from her, but he was gone before the words left my mouth.

“Let’s go in.” I showed my coat pocket with my head to her and she reached inside for the key to the door, unlocking it so we could go inside.

Tags: Lisa Cullen Erotic