Page 4 of All Snowed In

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Nothing ever lasted, and she seemed eager to leave for college after graduation. The rest of her family seemed happy keeping the lodge going and Avery could’ve opened a bakery in there, but she seemed to need freedom.

I pulled into the main gate of the lodge, seeing Avery parked in a space closest to the front door. Her mother, Valerie, had stepped outside to hug her daughter, and she looked serious as she pulled away to look at Avery.

I could see her daughter’s face and Avery’s smile seemed forced and nothing like the one I received at the gas station.

Was she at all happy to be back?

Had things gone that badly for her ‌to the point ‌she wouldn’t bounce back?

I waved as Valerie saw me, turning right to head to work.

I needed to work on a new formula for a cider I’d been working on in my head. I felt grateful for the work as I passed through the front door, seeing the front room half full of people drinking and snacking on the casual snacks I served along with my drinks.

I greeted everyone and walked into the back room where I worked my magic, setting my keys down. I could use a hot shower after my swim and considered walking over to my cabin set back from the lodge itself. Jefferson built a few of them as an option for staff to live in if they chose, as well as some suites in the main building.

It wasn’t anything fancy, but offered a spacious living room, a modern kitchen, and two large bedrooms with a bathroom in between them. I enjoyed being close to work and the trails the lodge offered, so I gave up my apartment in town to live on sight. As soon as I knew I’d be opening the cidery, it just made sense to me.

Besides, we all grew up hanging out here since Jefferson and Avery’s grandparents owned the lodge before he took over. It was one of the greatest places to grow up as a kid and I had years of memories based on this place.

I used to want to live here as a kid and now I was getting to live my dream.

I thought back to when Avery was just a pesky little kid that used to want to hang around me and Jefferson too much. It annoyed us back then a lot, but now she was a grown woman.

Avery was beautiful, and I didn’t know to feel about the possibility of her living here as well. Would we be too busy to see each other with work keeping us in different places in the lodge?

I strictly ran the cidery and focused on that. I saw Jefferson and his family regularly for dinner and in passing, since Valerie insisted on cooking at her house that she kept a few miles away.

They had a magnificent view of the lake and several acres, so I could see why they’d want to keep it.

I wondered if Avery planned to live with her mom in the house, since Valerie was alone there. She lost her husband Bob in a car accident six years ago, but Valerie seemed fine now. She cut back on her hours at the lodge following the accident and now called herself semi-retired, but she still spent plenty of time here.

Valerie was just sixty years old and full of good health and energy. I thought she was exactly what Avery would look like as she got older, and Valerie was beautiful for her age.

She stayed that way through being active and gardening as often as she could. She also volunteered at the local shelter and loved her two rescue dogs, Sonny and Cher.

If Avery stayed at the house, I might not see her that much. Thinking about her staying in the cabin was torture for me and even Avery, as close as the suite in the lodge would be, it was too close for comfort.

Jefferson would kill me for thinking this way, and I let out a sigh as I went to take a shower. I needed it now, seeing my best friend’s kid sister.

A warning would’ve been nice from my best friend, but it wouldn’t help this situation. I’d still need to be around Avery for the foreseeable future and manage my attraction to her.

I told my staff I’d be back in a bit after making sure everything seemed to run smoothly. Making the trek to my cabin, I looked over the trees and the hills that served as my backyard.

It was gorgeous here and it would be worth it to stay. The idea of Avery being here would settle in, and I’d feel better about it.

I unlocked the door of my cabin and walked in, locking the knob behind me. I learned my lesson when a guest followed me home one evening and made her way into my unlocked front door, naked and drunk. I had a hard enough time convincing her ‌she needed to get dressed and go to her room to sleep off the liquor.

I couldn’t let that happen again.

I walked into the small hallway and slipped my sweatshirt over my head, tossing it into the laundry basket in my room. Still shivering, I walked into the bathroom to turn on the hot water before stripping off the rest of my clothes.

I groaned as I stepped under the powerful stream of hot water. It felt so fucking good even though I loved the cold-water swimming I did once a week. Everyone thought I was crazy, but the water brought me back to life. It was so crisp, and I knew how to keep it safe for myself.

I leaned my head back, rinsing my hair with the water. I didn’t need to do the full wash, but I chose to, using shampoo and a little conditioner before washing off my body.

I envisioned Avery’s eyes at the gas station again, feeling my body react to her beauty. It felt easier now that I was warm, and I glanced down at my cock with a sigh.

“You’re never going to be there, buddy,” I said out loud, squirting some conditioner on my hand before I gripped myself.

Tags: Lisa Cullen Erotic