Page 3 of All Snowed In

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Turning my head, I smiled when I saw Charlie Chai. He was my brother’s best friend and now business partner.

He’d also been my crush since I knew what boys were, and he still looked as good as ever.

Charlie had never been a muscle man, but he could certainly be called athletic. It showed in his fitted athletic shirt as he flashed that charming smile in my direction.

“Avery Savory,” he called out, walking in my direction with a cup of coffee in his hand.

He gave me a hug, and I inhaled the outdoor scent of him mixed with some sort of mint. Charlie was nothing short of gorgeous, but as Jefferson’s good friend, he was absolutely off limits.

Completely off limits.

“I’m here later than planned. I had to drag myself away from Beth. I think she was about to ask me to move in with her and Rueben,” I joked as he chuckled.

They all knew her since she visited with me a few times and loved her like she was part of the family.

“I can see that, but it’s good you’re back. Jefferson could use your expertise and the family will be happy to see you.”

Charlie pulled away, smiling again as his almond-shaped eyes twinkled with the mirth that he kept hidden deep down. Charlie was introverted and shy if you didn’t know him well, but I’d seen the worst of him.

Maybe living in Lake Placid wouldn’t be so bad for a while. I already liked the scenery as forbidden as Charlie might be.



I spotted the familiar blue Subaru at the gas station as I paused in surprise. I think I could count the times I’d seen Avery Merchant in the last seven years.

I certainly didn’t know she planned to come back for any period. Jefferson said nothing, but he was also dealing with a baby on the way and his business.

She looked nothing like the girl I remembered with braces and her favorite character tee shirts. This version of Avery was all curves and gorgeous, with eyes that were a mesmerizing mix of gold and green today.

I greeted her, and she hugged me after a look of surprise crossed her face.

“Hi,” she said, and I breathed in her cherry scent hungrily as I held her tight. “I’m here later than planned. I had to drag myself away from Beth. I think she was about to ask me to move in with her and Rueben,” Avery joked. “How’s business been?”

“Busy. If you’re here to help‌, your brother is going to love you. He’s been a maniac trying to get everything done.” I hinted around to see if she was there to stay, seeing her frown for a moment.

“I am going to be here for a while. Things in the city went south, so I’m just going to help ‌here through the holidays.” Avery replied as she ended our embrace. “How are things with the cidery?”

“It’s taking off. I love working with the formulas and making the best flavors. People are eating it up here along with the restaurant that opened. We’re even looking to expand to mead soon.”

“I’m sure the Brooklyn hipsters will be here in droves to taste everything. I’d love to see your mad scientist lab when I get a chance, but I’m sure Mom is looking for me. I left much later than intended,” Avery said, looking at her watch.

She replaced the gas pump and locked up her tank with a sultry smile. “So good to see you, Charlie.”

“Great seeing you, Avery. We’ll catch up soon,” I told her, wondering just what went south for her. I knew ‌she left Lake Placid to go to culinary school and do something with her incredible baking skills but not much past that.

I watched her drive off, sipping my coffee. I shivered from the cool air and swim in the cool water of the lake I made a weekly habit. There was something about icy water that made me feel alive after I worked out.

I walked to my truck parked at the edge of the gas station parking lot, knowing I should get back to work. While I took my dip in the lake, I left my staff there to handle customers. I had plenty of cider on hand to serve everyone, and since that was my primary focus, I left the customers to my wait staff and bartenders.

I felt something in my stomach as I started the engine. Seeing Avery stirred up old feelings from the past.

I’d always had a small crush on her growing up as she went through high school and went from being a little girl to a pretty young woman.

I thought about her as I made the short drive to the lodge. Despite my crush, I never dared to act on it. Her brother was my best friend, and he’d murder me for even thinking about it.

Jefferson always took being a big brother seriously, and I wondered how Avery dated the few guys she was with in high school.

Tags: Lisa Cullen Erotic