Page 35 of All Snowed In

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So, of course, I told Jefferson I’d help at the restaurant. I owed that much to him after everything he’d done for our family. I also owed it to him to go back to my dream and walk away from everything I felt like I had here.

I also knew the kitchen was a great place to clear my head and work through any decisions I needed to make in the future.

We talked about Christmas over our late dinner, and I felt happy about being here for the holiday, assuming anyplace that hired me would be fine with that arrangement. I always loved Thanksgiving and Christmas when I could make it, even finding myself sneaking in time to see the lights and decor of New York City when I got stuck there.

It always made me miss my family when I did that, but it was part of living my dream. What about next year when I might not be here for the baby’s first holiday? The restaurant industry could be tough and uncaring, and family didn’t always come first.

I left the diner feeling empty and wondering what was ahead in my future. Jefferson and Polly were smiling and holding hands as we made our way to the parking lot. They had everything they wanted in life, and I had a lot of things I lied to everyone about. Well, I didn’t lie, but I just didn’t offer any information.

I drove home, thinking about my date with Charlie next weekend. I wondered how he did at the rest of the event tonight and how it might feel to be in his arms tonight. I’d like to be in the arms of any of my men tonight, since it felt lonely in my bed.

As I watched the snow fall outside of my window, I thought about the interview and how it might go. I knew the restaurant and how successful they were at both locations. It could be a chance to fix what went wrong with Simon’s place and build something new for myself.

This was what I wanted all along, right?

I sighed and tucked myself under my thick covers, trying to be excited about my little apartment in Brooklyn and seeing Beth again. We talked on the phone sometimes, but time was hard to come by for both of us with our schedules.

I thought back to the long nights working and the short nights in bed in New York. Times with Beth were fleeting, and we’d sneak out for a meal or drinks, giggling over whatever happened to us that week.

When we lived together, we’d have movie nights and sip wine and eat unhealthy snacks. Again, that was rare because of my schedule, but we made it work. Now, she was engaged and living in a different apartment, and I’d see her even less. I didn’t have a lot of acquaintances in the city apart from colleagues and realized that without Beth, I wouldn’t have a lot there but work.

Would that be enough for me? I had three incredible men in my life right now and the family that I’d be leaving behind. Could I find even one man to replace the way they made me feel?

I slept fitfully, now nervous about the interview for other reasons. When my alarm went off in the morning, I rose to shower and dress for the lodge on autopilot.

I went down to the kitchen to pour some coffee and chat with Mom for a moment, telling her about Christmas on Main Street the night before. She told me she planned to go with friends tonight since she’d had a little stomach bug the past couple of days.

I focused on desserts to make for the restaurant over the next few days, digging into recipes for some favorites. The coffee cake and beignets were a tremendous hit, so I thought I’d mix things up a little. I also wanted to make things that people could take over when needed as soon as I got a new job. I thought I’d fancy the place up a bit.



I rose in the morning,looking out of the window at the snow on the ground. I couldn’t wait for the slopes to open in a few days, and I’d been working hard to train for a great season.

Snowboarding was moving forward with The Big Air event and becoming something to be taken seriously. It’s what I always wanted, and I could try out for The Olympics next year. I knew that conditioning was a part of it and sipped my coffee slowly as I thought ahead through my day.

I had to change for a yoga class at the lodge and a workout session in the gym in the building. Seeing Avery sounded great, but we’d both been busy, and I made a note to myself to make some plans with her.

The air was cold and clear as I made my way to the lodge. I had a duffel bag in the back to change into something after a quick shower, so I could see if Jefferson needed anything done.

I also might run into Avery, which is what I hoped for.

The yoga class was full today, and I made an extra effort on every stretch as Luna talked us through the moves. I’d heard she was one of Avery’s good friends from high school and she seemed a little boho and free spirited to me, which I could appreciate. She probably made a good friend that would offer support to Avery should she mention it to someone.

I knew that her family’s ever finding out was out of the question.

The hour passed through moderate level stretches and poses before Luna called it, smiling at all of us as she told us what a good job we did.

I drank my water in one long sip before heading to the gym the lodge offered for both guests and staff. They had everything I needed, and I did a long run on the treadmill before working on my leg strength for the remaining time.

I soothed my sore muscles under the hot water of a shower in one of the three rooms blocked off for staff to use. We could shower in there or rest in between shifts, reminding me of a hospital from shows I’d seen on TV.

It would be fun to sneak Avery into one and see how far we could get before someone tried to come in, but that might be risky. Getting a little risky with her sounded hot, though.

I changed into some work jeans and a warm flannel over a basic tee shirt, shoving the gym clothes into the bag. I took that to the car and headed back in for something cold to drink.

My plan was to just grab some water at the restaurant and maybe some food, since my stomach was growling a bit. I glanced in the dim bar as I passed it, seeing a familiar head of blonde hair behind the counter.

Tags: Lisa Cullen Erotic