Page 32 of All Snowed In

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In the morning, we woke to his alarm as he pulled me closer. “Want to join me in the shower?” ben asked as I giggled. “I’ll brew some coffee while you get the water hot.”

When we were under the hot spray, Ben reminded me he just wanted me to be happy. He needed to be cherished and loved, and that I never deserved to be with a man like Simon again. Nobody should have to live their lives doing something they don’t want to do in a place they don’t want to be. “Your brother mentioned him, but he doesn’t know that you told me already. We’ll keep that between us, Avery.”

As I stood in a towel to braid my hair down my back, I knew there were some problems in my life. My career made me happy, very happy. I lived my whole life looking forward to pursuing it in New York once I decided. Was I willing to walk away from these three amazing men to go back to that?

If I made the choice to stay for them, how the hell would I explain any of this to my family? This wasn’t traditional on any level, and I knew it sounded crazy. My brother might kill all four of us if he found out what I’d been doing while I was here.

I dressed in my work clothes in between sips of hot coffee, telling myself there was nothing to worry about yet. I still had time to enjoy this.



The air was chilly tonight as I took in Christmas on Main Street. I’d been coming to this for years, but this is the first year I’ve worked at the event.

I had a mobile bar set up in the center of the action and the line hadn’t stopped since we started tonight. We were selling hot cider for kids, hard cider for adults, and to my surprise, Avery prepared some cinnamon sugar beignets for the occasion.

I popped into the restaurant where I heard Avery and the staff were prepping the pastry to take a look earlier. She had a few people watching her make the dough and then watching as she cooked it in the oil, followed by the sweet sugar. They smelled amazing then and somehow on this frosty night; the dessert smelled even better.

Everything was selling quickly, and the beignets were selling as soon as they were out of the oil. Beyond getting my business out there tonight, the lodge would make some money and I knew it would be a success.

I had enough people from the restaurant working with me I could take a break, and Stephen stepped into my place to help the line. I grabbed a hot cider and stepped onto the curb, carefully holding the cup.

I hadn’t seen Avery much lately, just in passing. I’d been thinking about her a lot, though. Seeing her in action today with her patience and knowledge told me how great of a pastry chef she truly was.

It made me wonder how much longer she’d be here and think that I needed to arrange another date for us, and soon.

I looked through the crowd of holiday revelers and saw her walking along the street with some bags. Grinning, I made my way over to her and greeted Avery with a smile. “Hey, stranger.”

“Hi, Charlie.” She smiled, her cheeks ink from the cold air that came along with a fresh layer of snow earlier today. She was dressed in a gray puffy jacket and had a red hat pulled low on her forehead as she met my eyes. “How’s the bar doing?”

“It’s a hit. The ciders are going quick, and your beignets sell as quickly as they’re cooked. That was a great idea.” I told her as she smiled and nodded.

“Someone suggested it and I thought it might be a great addition to the bar. Everyone always eats a lot at this event. I know I have wanted about one hundred things so far, but I figured I’d get some shopping in while everything is open.” Avery looked around as I glanced down at her bags. “I’m headed to the bookstore for Mom. Do you have a minute?”

“Sure. they have it covered,” I replied, reaching out a hand to take her bags that she seemed to struggle to hold. I’d been at the bar for a couple hours since the event started so I could take a break. I walked with her to the cute bookstore and coffee shop combined, following Avery through the crowded line at the coffee counter.

She headed to an aisle in the corner to look over titles in the cookbook section as I gazed at her. “I haven’t seen much of you, Avery. It’s not intentional on my part and I’d like to change that.” I started slowly as she glanced at me with a warm look in her eyes.

“You never offered me the tour of the cidery, Charlie. I’ve only been there once to pick up the holiday cider, but I’d love to see the whole place.” Avery knew that my business was my passion, much like hers. “I want to see where the magic happens.”

“How about I arrange a picnic dinner and we set that tour up for this coming week? I’ll show you just where the magic happens,” I teased her as a smile curved at her lips.

“That sounds like a wonderful idea.” Avery’s eyes lock with mine and I suddenly can’t wait for the night to come. I felt the moment happening between us and leaned in to kiss her when I saw someone rounding the end of the aisle behind Avery.

I choked and pretended to cough as I stood up straight. Avery’s brother headed our way, and I searched Jefferson’s face for any tells that he saw what I’d been ready to do. He smiled and glanced between us at the bags I held and the books in Avery’s hand.

“Are you enabling her shopping addiction?” Jefferson asked as Avery widened her eyes at me.

“It’s Christmas shopping, so it doesn’t count. There might be something for you in these bags and can bet the baby has some items. She’s the best to buy for.” Avery smiled as she turned to look at her brother, searching around him. “Where’s Polly?”

“She was hungry and wanted to wait for a table at the diner but sent me down here for a book for Mom. Do you have it already?” He asked, looking at the small stack in her hand. “Great minds think alike.” Jefferson snatched the book and Avery groaned. “You know everything she reads better than I do.”

“Good point,” Avery replied as Jefferson glanced between us. “I’ll get this one by that new HGTV chef, so your life is easier, Jefferson.”

“Do you two want to join us for dinner? Polly is craving their chicken and waffles lately.” Jefferson pretended to roll his eyes, but I knew how much he loved taking care of his wife.

The idea was tempting, but the almost kiss already got me thinking ahead to my date with his sister and I made a show of checking my watch. “I wish I could, but I have to get back to the bar. Your sister’s beignets are selling like hotcakes.” I smiled at Jefferson as he grinned at his Avery.

Tags: Lisa Cullen Erotic