Page 9 of Never Gone

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Chapter 4

He rolled the name over in his head.Mae.It suited her.

A full-blown vision of her as Daisy Mae of comic strip fame popped into his head. He dismissed the picture with a quick swig of the Knob Creek.

“Where did I leave off?” Mae said.

It may have been a rhetorical question, but his curiosity burned his insides even more than the bourbon. She took a swig of her drink and coughed until her eyes watered.

“You were telling me that you bought the notorious hit man Antonio Vito’s clothes from his widow,” he prodded.

“Right”—cough—“excuse me. I’m not used to whiskey. Not even the good stuff is as smooth as a nice pinot noir.”

“I can fix that.” He rose from his seat, but he kept his eyes on her watery ones. “You should have told me you wanted wine.” He should have known.

Joe went back to the cabinet and found a small single-serving bottle of California pinot noir. He brought it back to her with a wine glass. Returning to his seat, he screwed off the cap and poured the wine. “Don’t let the packaging fool you. It’s a good brand.”

“I don’t care if it’s Boone’s Farm, I appreciate it. Thank you.”

She lifted the glass to her mouth as soon as he finished pouring. He watched her take a quick sip, watched her tongue flick a drop of the dark-red wine from her lips.

“That’s much better,” she said. “You better watch out or you’ll tarnish your reputation for being a tough guy. I might think you’re actually a thoughtful man.”

“You were telling me about what got you in trouble. Why is someone after you? I heard one of the men today say something about papers. You took papers from your safe.”

“Yes. After I bought the Vito wardrobe, I did the usual processing, going through each item of clothing before cleaning, when I found the letters in the lining of a tuxedo jacket.” She paused and smiled at him. “Which reminds me—why the hell are you wearing a vintage 1940s tuxedo short-tail jacket?”

How would he explain this one without sounding ridiculous? No way. A bet with his staff made him seem like a frat boy. Especially compared to her.

“You’re off topic—what else did you find?”

“It was either a bet or a dare. The reason you’re wearing the tux jacket.” She took a sips of wine. “How do you know I found something else?” She used that flirtatious tone that worked on his cock even if he could see past it. He waited her out. It only took two beats for her to relent.

“Okay. You’re right. I found a key.” She slipped her hand inside the open neck of her shirt and slid her fingers along a thin silver chain, directly down the line of cleavage, until she lifted the key free from between her breasts. Holding it in her hand, she leaned forward to show him.

Now he knew she was playing with him, flirting with no holds barred.

“Take it off and let me get a good look.”

Her eyes widened and she laughed. “I’m assuming you mean the chain.”

He raised one brow. Let her wonder. Hehadmeant the chain. But he’d also been thinking about every last stitch of her clothing. He saw the slight shiver of awareness run through her as she raised the chain over her head, then shook it free of the lush dark waves of her hair.

He took the key and examined it closely as she spoke.

“I found the key in the pocket of the same tuxedo jacket. I figured it was the key to a safe deposit box, but I had no idea what to do with it, or whether it’s still good or a long-lost relic. I put it away in my jewelry box and forgot about it. Until recently.”

“I wonder why the men never mentioned a key. Only the papers.”

She shrugged.

“What are the papers? Incriminating evidence?”

She laughed. “I suppose they may have been incriminating back in the day. I only read a few of them. They were love letters. Between Killer Tony and his mistress, Lisa Diego.”

He let his surprise show. “There must be more to them than that or Salvatore Vito and his men wouldn’t be after them.”

“If there is, I wouldn’t know. I thought about throwing them in the trash, but I have a sentimental streak and decided to lock them up for safekeeping. Thought I’d decide what to do with them later. When I had more time. As if that will ever happen.” She laughed again and threw an arm into the air, flicking her shiny-tipped fingers. The action drew him in with a sensual pull, like everything about her.

Tags: Stephanie Queen Erotic