Page 20 of Never Gone

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Watching the tic in the muscle of his jaw, she realized he was pulling her forward, drawing her in by her pinky, moving his face closer to hers. The thudding of blood through her veins heightened the throbbing desire at her center. Anticipation made her cream her panties, made her breathless as she came into the same breathing space with him.

“I shouldn’t do this, May, but I’m only human.” His voice was quiet, but she heard him. Loud and clear. Then he angled his head, lifted his other hand to hold her face in his palm and pulled her mouth to meet his, unhurried, but intense. So intense that she felt the vibration of nerves in the hand caressing her jaw, his fingers pushing into her hair and holding her head, pressing her lips tight against his as he opened up and possessed her. His lips played along hers, then he tangled his tongue with hers in a deep, all-consuming, world-class kiss.

He untwined their pinkies and put his arm around her, crushing her to him. Gone was any subtlety or restraint as she heard his breathing, smelled his maleness, felt the rough stubble of his strong jaw, his body’s heat and the taut bulge of muscles in his back.

Mae pressed against him with everything in her, reveling in the sudden release of passion and needing more, needing for them to go all the way. She wanted more than anything to see this man naked, to feel him naked against her, inside her. As her chest drummed and heaved with her own labored breathing, she wanted to tell him, to make him understand what she wanted in case he had any reservations. She couldn’t bear him backing down now. Lifting her mouth from his, she struggled to speak.

“I-I want—” Whatdidshe want? Did she tell him she wanted him naked in bed within the next minute?

“I know.” He rasped the words between quick, deep breaths. He lifted her and rose from the couch. Saying no more, he led her down a short hall to his bedroom. She almost couldn’t believe the sudden turn in his attitude, wondered if he’d regret this tomorrow, or whether she would.

Hell, the way she felt now, throbbing and wet with need, it didn’t much matter about tomorrow. She wasn’t a teenager. She wasn’t afraid of getting pregnant. She wasn’t afraid of much in Joe’s arms. Maybe she fearednothingwith him protecting her. He pulled her inside the door of the dark spacious room, which was dominated by a king-size bed. The only light was from the window, the moon and stars and the lights of the city filtering in through the sheer curtains.

He pulled her onto the bed, rolling her over to pin her under him. She felt the exquisite pressure of his hard-as-granite cock against the V at the top of her thighs and arched against him. Yanking his shirt up to feel his smooth skin taut muscles rippling, she felt satisfied at the sheen of sweat that covered him.

His mouth found her ear and he nibbled, making her shiver with excitement, making her want to reach between her legs and touch herself if he didn’t do it soon. He whispered and she barely heard the words, but when they registered, she nearly moaned.

“I want to take your shirt off and feast on your breasts. I’ve wanted to touch them and hold them and lick your nipples until they were tight and pink all day long.”

As he spoke, he lifted himself and unbuttoned her blouse, pulled it back and then popped open her front closure bra with a quick flick of his fingers as if it were something he’d practiced for years. Maybe he had.

She reached up and pulled at his shirt, but he pulled it over his head himself. Then he backed off the bed and stood, pulling off his jeans and shorts all at once until he stood naked. There was no way she could stop herself from staring, fascinated, turned on and possibly drooling.

“My God.” She hadn’t meant to say the words aloud, but it made him smile. He came back to her, climbing over her and pulling off her pants and panties while she squirmed to help him, so anxious to have him touch her, to touch him back, to taste him. To have him make good on what he’d said he wanted to do with her nipples. She didn’t have long to wait as he tossed her panties on the floor somewhere.

She thought fleetingly of turning on the light to see him better, but as he leaned forward, holding himself above her almost in a plank, he lowered his head and flicked her right nipple with his tongue, she forgot everything. She cried out when an orgasmic clench shocked her. Her arms flew around him, pulling him onto her, then she reached down and found his cock and squeezed the length of the long silky rod, hard and jumpy.

“Hold on,” he rasped.

“I am.”

He made a strangled sound that was half laugh, half groan and she slid her hand to the tip of his cock, teasing her thumb along the creamy slit. He was watching her and she was watching him. She vibrated with wanting and she could feel the tight strain he had on his control.

He said, “You’re hot for me, aren’t you?”

“About as hot as you are for me.”

“Fair enough.” She saw the twitch in the muscle along his jaw as he held himself still over her, while she held his writhing cock just outside her pussy, wanting to shove it inside herself, wanting him to take her with no holds barred. Maybe he read her mind.

“Then you won’t mind if this first time is fast and hard.”

She could squeal with pleasure. She should probably explain that she wasn’t normally like this, that in fact she hadn’t been with a man for months, maybe even a year. The thought disappeared as soon as he lowered his body onto hers in a crush of passion, taking her mouth, moving his hands all over her until he found her breasts, He moved his mouth down over them, burying his face in them and then slid one hand down to cover hers around his cock for a moment. Then he touched her pussy, sliding his fingers up and down through the folds. She cried out as his cock hit her clit, but he stopped and circled, making her squirm under him until he captured her mouth with his again, nipping at her lips, pumping his hips in short bursts, cock against clit. She arched against him and cried out when his thumb flicked her hard, slick nub.

“Joe!” she cried out and pulled at him, wanting him inside her now. He knew what she wanted, took her hand and let go of his cock and, in one long hard push, slid inside her wet pussy.

She cried out again with the exquisite pleasure and he pulled out and pumped in again, harder this time and fast. She moved against him, feeling everything touching, his balls against the inside of her thighs, his hips against hers, the slapping sound, the sweat between them as they moved back and forth, in and out and the pressure and sensations of each of her nerve endings built and burned and coiled until she felt that close to orgasm. He tightened and she clenched her legs around him, blinded and deaf for a moment as if a seizure had taken her. Except it was a mind-blowing orgasm and she heard him cry out as he pushed inside her and held himself there as he pumped his cum into her. She felt the hot liquid flow and overflow, leaking out as she kept her legs tight and pulsing around him, not wanting to ever let go.

His arms were around her, a hand in her hair then caressing her cheek as she opened her eyes. His eyes were on her, then he was kissing her with such tenderness that she felt a welling of feelings, strong and shameless and tender. She held him, playing her fingers through his hair, until a tear escaped her eye.

Impossible. Why would she cry? She’d never had a reaction like this before. Never had so much emotion welling up and out, such a sense of wanting and longing. Not even with Cal.

That thought stopped all the emotional well-being in its tracks. The last thing she wanted to think of now was Cal.

Joe lifted his mouth from hers, ending the kiss, knowing there was something wrong, sensing the shift in her. She tried to hold on to him, but he slid off her and lay on his side next to her, still watching.

“You okay?” He spoke with the same tenderness he’d shown before and it broke her heart to hear it. Made her melt and want to hold onto him forever.

“I’m far better than okay.” She smiled because she couldn’t help it, dispelling Cal from her consciousness.

“Good. Funny thing is, I’m not tired at all. I’m thinking I could stay awake all night or most of it.”

She laughed. “I have a crazy lusty energy myself, now that you mention it.”

Then he grinned at her. A big fat grin even better than the full monty smile and she thought that if she weren’t lying down, she would have fallen.

“You know, Average Joe Temple, I think I adore you.”

Tags: Stephanie Queen Erotic