Page 11 of Never Gone

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While his head was busy backing away from her, his cock remained at full upright position.


“Why didn’t you call the widow—Mrs. Vito—and tell her about the letters?”

“Come on, you know the answer to that. I wasn’t going to be the one to break her heart. You should have heard her go on about her poor departed husband. She adored him.”

“You really believe that?”

She shrugged. “Why not?”

Maybe she wasn’t the tigerlike sophisticate he’d pegged her for—not entirely.

“I forgot. You’re Hollywood. It’s all about the happy ending.”

“Why not? They don’t have happy endings where you come from, Joe?” She leaned forward and he got an eyeful of fleshy breasts, rounded cleavage dipping down into her loose blouse. He only flashed a quick glance then snapped himself back. Time to live up to his tough-guy reputation.

“What about the key? Why didn’t you call to tell the poor widow about the key?”

Tags: Stephanie Queen Erotic