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Zero Go Team

The men and women of Zero Go Team are all medal winners of one kind or another from different branches of the military—Special Operations, Army Rangers, Delta Force, SEALs, Air Force, Marines. They’ve been explosives experts, marksmen, pilots, medics, and hackers for their country. Fast, strong, smart, and fierce, they were among the best at whatever they were assigned.

Leaving the service behind, they’ve each excelled and flourished in the real world, succeeding wildly as they had before at whatever they’ve tackled. And they’ve kept in touch, kept their bonds with each other tight. Now they are held together by a retired five-star general who, once for a brief time, served on the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Now General Rampage, as he’s fondly known by his subordinates, runs a private company known only through a network of referrals.

Their experience and skills are unique and in demand more than ever. And, to a person, each is proud to serve as—at the beck and call of each other, and at the command of the General—as members of the Zero Go Team.

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