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Her bra loosened as he freed the hooks. Then he eased her back over, pulling the bra from her body.

“Beautiful,” he breathed.

He left her again, and she heard the water turn off. A gentle splash echoed over the room and a second later, he took her hand and guided her up from the bed.

“Over here,” he said, leading her a few steps. Then he reached behind her head and untied the blindfold.

She blinked as the room came into focus. She took in dozens of flickering candles, a huge Jacuzzi filled with sudsy water. And roses. There were roses laid carelessly about the room, intermixed with the candles.

“Your bath,” he said with a small smile.

She continued to gape around the room as he pulled her toward the tub. He helped her up the step and didn’t release her hand until she eased into the water, sitting down as the suds climbed higher up her body.

“Wes, this is beautiful!”

“Glad you like it.”

She watched in fascination as he began undressing, unable to tear her eyes away from his muscled body. His cock was hard. Erect. His desire there for her to see in all its glory.

“Mind if I join you?” he asked.

She scooted forward in the tub, only too willing to share the slice of heaven.

He climbed in and settled behind her, stretching out his legs on either side of her. Then he pulled her back until she was cradled against his chest.

“I don’t know what to say,” she whispered. “This is all so fantastic.”

He kissed the curve of her shoulder, working his way to her neck. He stopped at her ear, nibbling and tasting the small indention behind her lobe.

“The night is only just beginning,” he murmured.

They lay that way in the tub, her cradled in his arms, hot water lapping gently over the curves of her breasts. After several languid minutes, he reached for the bottle of body wash lying on the side and squeezed some into his hand.

He pushed her forward just enough that he could wash her back. Alternating firmness and gentleness, he massaged her shoulders.

A sigh of bliss escaped barely parted lips, and she closed her eyes. Then his hands worked around to her front, dipping down to cup her breasts.

Against the small of her back, she could feel his cock, rigid, lying flat against his stomach, pressed to her skin. It burned much hotter than the water.

If she lifted her ass just a teeny bit… It would be so easy to have him pull her down, sinking into her pussy in one easy glide.

She squirmed at the mental image and unconsciously shifted, moving upward, inviting.

Wes chuckled in her ear. “Not yet, sweetheart. Not yet.”

She sighed and relaxed again, allowing her body to mold to his once more. Her need was making her edgy, and yet she had no des

ire for his seduction to be hurried. She felt pulled in a dozen different directions. Her demand for satisfaction weighed heavy against her desire to draw out the evening as long as she could. Fortunately for her, she didn’t seem to have a choice in the matter.

A knock at their door startled her, but Wes’s hand covered her shoulder. “You stay right here and enjoy your bath.”

He stood, and a rush of water rained down his body. She turned to look at him, unable to resist. Her breath caught in her throat and stuttered out in shaky gasps.

He stepped over the side of the tub, giving her a fantastic view of his cock, still stiff and distended. She reached up to cup his balls, sliding her fingers out and over his erection.

He paused in mid-stride and closed his eyes for the briefest of seconds before gently disentangling himself from her grasp. Grabbing a towel from the rack, he whipped it around his waist, tucking one of the ends in so it would stay.

Then he bent to get his wallet out of his jeans pocket and headed for the door. She craned her head, trying to see around his big body as he opened the door, but whoever was there was firmly hidden from view.

Ah well, it didn’t matter. She was enjoying all of Wes’s surprises so far. She sank back into the tub, reclining so the water seeped up to her neck.

A few seconds later, Wes shut the door and she looked over to see him carrying several containers of food to the table. He glanced up and met her gaze then smiled.

“Take your time. I’m going to set up our dinner and then I’ll get you out of the tub.”

Just the way he said “get you out of the tub” sent a hundred different shivers and sparks down her spine and tightened the nerves between her legs until she had to force herself to relax.

She watched him from underneath half-lidded eyes as he prepared the table, still dressed in just a towel. Too bad telekinesis was only something for the movies because she could really use some right now. With one mental push she could tear that towel right off him.

Nude food preparation. Now there was a concept. If they all looked as good as Wes, she could envision a successful catering business centered around that idea.

Wes walked toward the tub, the towel sliding precariously down one hip. Just an inch more. He tugged it back up. Damn.

He reached down, cupping her face. His lips pressed lightly to hers, kissing her with gentle regard. Then he grasped her arms and urged her up.

When she stood, he reached for a large towel and wrapped it around her then helped her over the side of the tub. The simple process of drying her off became deliciously erotic.

He took one end of the cloth and rubbed in small areas, light, teasing, sometimes hovering over particularly sensitive spots. He brushed the tips of her breasts. Her nipples drew tight into hard points, and he dragged the soft towel over them again.

Her limbs felt laden, warm, satisfied. A comfortable lethargy settled over her as he massaged, taking care not to miss a single inch.

When his cloth-covered hand delved gently between her legs, she widened her stance to give him better access. The edge of the towel rasped over her clit, and in response, a spasm worked from her pelvis into her belly.

The towel fell to the floor in a heap, and she sighed in regret that the sensual drying was over.

Wes walked over to the closet and pulled out a bathrobe then returned and held it open for her to stick her arms in the sleeves. When it fell over her shoulders, he gathered the lapels and pulled it closed in front, securing the ties in a double knot.

He kissed her once on the lips. “Let’s eat.”

Tags: Maya Banks Unspoken Romance