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“No,” she agreed. “So what do we do in the meantime?”

“We get to know each other better,” Luke said. “And we dance some more.”

He gestured toward the dance floor. “You ready for round two?”

Chapter Seven

“So what is Jeremy doing for you for Valent

ine’s Day?” Gracie asked as she leaned against Michelle’s kitchen counter. She, Ellie Turner and Michelle were all gathered in the kitchen while the men sat in the living room ready to watch the fight.

Michelle stopped stirring the tea and set the pitcher aside. She smiled ruefully. “Nothing romantic I imagine. He’ll probably finish painting the baby’s room and we’ll probably go pick out the crib.”

“Sounds exciting,” Gracie said dryly. “What about you, Ellie? If I know Jake, he’s planned something terrific.”

A blush worked its way over the pretty brunette’s face. “I don’t know exactly,” Ellie said. “He told me not to make plans.”

Michelle grinned. “Jake does plan the most wonderful surprises.”

Gracie nodded. “Lucky bitch. What I wouldn’t give for a man to look at me the way Jake looks at you, Ellie.” Even as she said it, the memory of the way Luke had stared at her on their date sent a slow burn straight up her spine.

Ellie laughed and blushed again. “I’m not complaining. I’m so lucky to have him.”

Michelle reached over and patted her arm. “No, honey, he’s lucky to have you.”

“No doubt,” Gracie agreed. “Who else would put up with all that testosterone?”

“Oh, I don’t know, Gracie. You have to admit all that bottled he-man stuff is awfully sexy,” Michelle said cheekily.

“I swear those pregnancy hormones are raging. You must keep Jeremy awfully busy,” Gracie said dryly.

Michelle blushed. She actually blushed. Gracie crowed in delight. “Busted!”

The three women dissolved into laughter.

“What about you, Gracie? Got any plans with Luke?” Michelle asked pointedly.

Gracie felt her cheeks heat, but damn it, she was not going to betray herself like the other two women. “Yeah, we’re spending the weekend together.”

Michelle raised one eyebrow. “The weekend as in you’ll have a couple of dates or the weekend as in spending every minute together?”

“The latter,” Gracie replied.

“Wow, you guys move fast. Going anywhere special?”

“I don’t know exactly. He’s planning it. I just know it involves sex.”

Michelle pinned her with a questioning stare. “You nervous?”

“Of course I am. This isn’t just any guy. I don’t want to screw things up.”

“You’ll do fine,” Michelle soothed.

“Luke’s a great guy,” Ellie interjected.

“What are you girls doing in here?” Luke asked as he walked into the kitchen.

“Gossiping, of course,” Michelle said lightly.

Luke dropped a kiss on Michelle’s cheek. “How are you feeling, sweetheart?”

Michelle smiled at him. “I’m doing good. Baby’s growing like a weed.”

He turned to Ellie and gave her a quick hug. “What about you? Jake treating you good?”

Ellie’s smile lit up her entire face.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” Luke said.

Then he turned his attention to Gracie.

Gracie felt an odd shiver as Luke reached to pull her into his arms. He kissed her lightly on the lips before pulling away.

“The fight’s starting. I wondered if y’all needed help with the snacks,” he said.

The girls put it into high gear. Gracie shoved a tray at Luke while Michelle collected the tea pitcher and the bags of chips. Ellie grabbed the glasses of ice and followed everyone else into the living room.

It was a familiar scene. One that brought Gracie comfort. All of them gathered at Jeremy and Michelle’s to watch a UFC fight.

“Hey, Gracie, come sit,” Wes called. He patted the spot beside him on the couch.

Luke sat down on the floor in front of her and leaned back between her legs so his back rested against the couch. Ellie sat nestled in Jake’s arms, and Gracie felt a pang of longing at the couple’s obvious devotion.

They spent the evening laughing and having a good time. Luke didn’t go out of his way to latch onto her in front of the others, a fact she was grateful for.

She didn’t want to flaunt her budding relationship with Luke. She still felt awkward about it and didn’t want to extend that discomfort to the rest of the group. And to everyone else’s credit, they’d acted completely normal.

The fight had been over a few minutes when the doorbell rang. Jeremy got up and disappeared from the living room to answer it. A few seconds later, he reappeared.

“Gracie, Keith is at the door for you.”

Gracie stiffened. Why now of all times? Did he never think to call or at least go by her house if he had something he wanted to say? Why he was fond of making a scene in front of her friends, she’d never know.

“Has he been drinking?” Gracie asked as she got up.

Jake’s eyebrows shot up, and his face darkened.

Jeremy shook his head. “I don’t think so, and he’d be a damn fool to show up here if he had.” He winked at her. “I gave him my best cop stare and told him he better not start any shit.”

Gracie grinned. “Thanks, Jeremy.”

Luke put a hand on her shoulder as she got up from the couch. “I’m going out with you.”

She hesitated for a moment then nodded. As they left the living room, Luke slid an arm around her waist and squeezed reassuringly.

When she opened the front door, Keith, who was standing on the porch with his back to her, turned around. His lips curled in distaste and his eyes glinted with a little fear as he spotted Luke.

“What do you want?” Gracie asked.

“I’d hoped we could talk alone,” Keith said, looking pointedly at Luke.

Luke pulled her closer up against him, his hand resting possessively on her hip. “Whatever you have to say to Gracie can be said in front of me. Isn’t that right, sweetheart?”

“So you’re with him now?” Keith demanded.

“It would appear I am,” Gracie said calmly.

“Damn it, Gracie. You don’t even give a guy a chance,” Keith complained. “You can’t expect to spring shit on me like you did. I know I reacted badly, but what did you expect?”

Gracie raised her eyebrows. “Expect? I don’t guess I expected anything from you at all, Keith. I’ve said all I intend to say on the matter. We’re finished, and I’d really appreciate it if you’d quit coming over to my friends’ house.”

“So would I,” Luke drawled.

Keith ran his hand through his hair and swore again. “All right, Gracie. If that’s what you want. Your loss.”

He turned and stomped off the front porch toward his truck. He peeled out of the driveway and left in a cloud of dust.

“Dumbass,” Gracie muttered.

“What did you ever see in him?” Luke asked as they walked back into the house.

“Don’t rub it in.”

Luke laughed. “Okay, I’ll shut up now.”

“Good idea.”

“Everything okay, Gracie?” Jeremy asked as she and Luke entered the living room.

“Yeah, he’s gone,” she said.

“Maybe you and I should pay Keith a little visit in the official capacity,” Wes said to Jeremy. “We could tell him to leave Gracie the hell alone.”

“Is he bothering her?” Jake asked with a scowl. “Do I need to go beat his scrawny ass?”

“I can take care of myself just fine, Jake,” Gracie said. “But thanks. You guys are the best.”

“Who wants a beer?” Michelle interrupted.

Gracie looked gratefully at her, and Michelle winked back.

“Who wants to watch the fight again?” Jeremy asked as he picked up the remote.

Chapter Eight

Gracie leaned back in Luke’s truck seat and tried to settle her nervous stomach. They were headed out of town to a cabin on the lake Luke and Wes shared ownership in.

She’d been out before. They’d gotten together for fishing trips and stayed weekends at the cabin, but she’d never gone with the idea o

f having sex with Luke.

The week leading up to the weekend had been terrific. She and Luke had spent every day together. The sexual tension between them had grown into an enormous entity, but more than that, their relationship had developed beyond their casual friendship.

And now they were adding sex to the equation. It seemed so important to him that she trust him. She did. She’d always trusted him, and it felt right for them to be together. Somehow she knew Luke would satisfy all her needs and desires.

“You’re quiet,” Luke said beside her. “Having second thoughts?”

“No, not at all.”

She slid her eyes sideways to look at him. The heat in his gaze peeled a few layers of her skin off. No, she had many thoughts, but she wasn’t regretting her decision to see where the weekend would take them.

He reached over and curled his hand over hers. “I’m glad. I’m really looking forward to this. To us.”

She smiled. “Me too.”

Thirty minutes later, they pulled up to the cabin overlooking Sam Rayburn Lake, and Luke cut the engine. He turned sideways in his seat and looked intently at her.

“I’ve planned a lot for us this weekend. If you ever feel uncomfortable with the direction we’re going or I’m doing something that you don’t want, just say so. I’ll stop. Otherwise, I expect you to do exactly as I tell you.”

A full body shiver worked its way over Gracie’s skin. She nodded, her mouth too dry for her to speak.

He leaned in and kissed her, his lips working hot over hers. When he pulled away, his eyes were half-lidded, and desire burned brightly, making his eyes a darker blue.

“I want you to go inside to the bedroom. Remove your clothes and lie down on the bed. Wait for me. I’ll be in with our bags.”

She swallowed and nodded again.

He handed her the keys, singling out the one to the cabin.

“Just leave them on the coffee table in the living room and head to the bedroom. Our weekend starts now.”

She got out of the truck and headed for the door. She inserted the key into the lock and went inside. Luke had evidently been here in preparation for their weekend. The cabin was warm, and she could hear the hum of the heater. A fire had been laid in the fireplace, just waiting to be lit.

She set the keys down on the coffee table and headed for the bedroom. Once

Tags: Maya Banks Unspoken Romance