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She slid out of the truck and met Luke around the front. She’d shed her jacket and hopped a bit to keep warm in the cold air.

“Let’s get inside before you freeze,” Luke muttered.

As soon as they stepped inside, the fast beat of the music swelled and pounded. It vibrated the floor beneath their feet and exploded off the walls. Her pulse quickened as the beat invaded her veins.

“Let’s dance,” Luke shouted beside her.

He tugged her out toward the crowded dance floor. Couples moved and gyrated in time with the music, their bodies meshed in sensual poses.

Gracie hesitated, unsure of herself for the first time.

Luke leaned in toward her ear. “Pretend for a minute that I’m one of your boyfriends. You’ve brought me here to dance. Come on, Gracie, what would you do?”

He was taunting her, daring her. And damn it, she never backed down from a dare.

She looped her arms around his neck and swung her pelvis into his groin. She moved and swayed, getting into the heady beat. She closed her eyes and threw her head back as she rubbed her breasts across his chest.

After a few moments, she rotated in his arms, grinding her ass into his hard cock. Oh yeah, she could feel the bulge against her behind. She leaned into him and reached up, twining her arms behind her around his neck.

She writhed against him, bumping and thumping as he moved in sync with her. His hands crept around her, moving slowly, seductively over her belly.

She shivered as a flash of need, centered in her abdomen, shot out in ten directions. Her pussy tightened, her nipples beaded and the hunger within her grew.

His hands moved up inching closer to her breasts. Would he touch her in public? She knew the club goers here were about as uninhibited as they came, but she wasn’t sure if Luke would feel comfortable indulging in that sort of activity.

Then he cupped both breasts through the thin material of her shirt and she gasped at the erotic sensation that bolted through her body. He massaged and plumped them both, lightly caressing the sensitive flesh.

One of his hands dropped, sliding down her body as the other kept kneading her breast. Lower still until his thumb brushed over her belt loop and caught there. His fingers dipped to the juncture of her thighs until he touched her pussy through her jeans.

Her body jerked in reaction and she moaned softly. He continued to rub up and down, dipping farther between her legs. She ground her ass against his cock, her movements becoming more restless by the minute.

“Undo your jeans for me,” he said close to her ear.

“Here?” she asked.

“This is your place, Gracie. You wouldn’t have brought me here if you hadn’t wanted this to happen.”

She gulped nervously and reached down with shaky fingers to undo the snap of her jeans. Around them, the dancing continued and no one seemed to notice or care what she and Luke were doing.

“Arms back up now,” he ordered.

She slid her arms back up over her head and wrapped them around his neck until she was once more locked in his embrace.

The hand he had on her breast lowered to the hem of her shirt. He dipped underneath until his hand came into contact with her bare skin. Then he slid his hand back up toward her breasts until he flicked over her nipple.

The nipple ring dangled and he plucked gently at it.

“Very nice,” he said in her ear.

She’d forgotten all about the nipple rings and how he might react to them, but based on his response, he was far from turned off.

He continued to play with the nipple ring as his other hand delved into her pants. She sucked in her breath as his fingers found her clit and began rubbing in a slow, torturous circle.

“I want you to come for me, Gracie. Right here, right now.”

Oh God, if he only knew just how close she already was.

He pulled harder at her nipple ring and bent his head to nibble at her neck. His fingers moved faster over her pussy, separating the folds and flicking at the button between them.

Her breathing sped up. Then just as he sank his teeth into her neck, he pulled sharply at the nipple ring and he pinched her clit.

She exploded against him in a rush of heat. She sagged heavily in his arms, and he caught her against him, holding her tightly. Wave after wave of exquisite pleasure poured over her as the music swelled in the background. Her legs shook, and she felt weak all over.

Finally he eased his hand from her pussy. He let his other hand fall from her breast and carefully withdrew it from her shirt. He reached around her with both hands and redid her snap before arranging her shirt for her.

“Maybe we should get a drink now,” he suggested.

She nodded numbly and followed him off the dance floor. They took a table far enough from the dancing and music that they might actually be able to hear each other without shouting.

“What the hell was that?” Gracie asked after they placed their drink order.

Luke fixed her with one hell of a sexy stare. “I should be asking you that. Didn’t you set me up for that?”

She opened her mouth but couldn’t think of a single thing to say. “No, I mean yes, but no, I wasn’t setting you up. I just wanted to see…”

“If I’d run scared if you took me to a place like this?” he finished.

“Yeah,” she finished lamely. “Something like that.”

“I’m not like your other boyfriends, Gracie.”

“No, you’re not,” she said truthfully. “That was, honest to God, the hottest thing that’s ever happened to me in my life.”

Luke grinned. “Honest. Yep, that’s what I love about you.”

“You didn’t…you didn’t mind the nipple rings?”

He stared strangely at her. “Mind? I was turned on as hell. I can’t wait to see them. I bet you look incredibly sexy with them dangling from your nipples.”

She grabbed for the drink being delivered and drank greedily. God, she had to do something to cool off or she was going to go up in flames.

Finally she put it down and stared intently at Luke. “Is that where we’re headed, Luke? Are we going to have sex?”

“I could lie and say no, but I won’t. That’s precisely where we’re headed, Gracie.”

Delicious tickles licked up her spine. Her insides quivered and her nipples tightened. For the first time in a long time, she looked at sex and had no idea what to expect.

“Not right away,” he continued. “I want to see you a few more times. I’m having fun seeing you as more than a buddy. You’re a beautiful woman, Gracie, and I’m enjoying you very much.”

He leaned in toward her until his mouth was inches from hers. “Would you trust me enough to go somewhere with me for the weekend? For Valentine’s Day?”

“Valentine’s Day?” she echoed.

“Call it our fantasy weekend,” he said. “Make plans to get next Friday off work. I’ll pick you up Friday morning, and we’ll spend the weekend together. I promise you won’t regret it.”

She sat back in her chair and stared at him open mouthed. Spend an entire weekend with him. Having sex. A fantasy weekend. Her entire body tingled at the thought.

“Do you trust me?” he asked.

She nodded. “You know I do.”

“Then let me plan this. Say you’ll go.”

She must be out of her mind. No one did this sort of thing after two dates. But this was Luke. Not some schmuck she’d just met. She knew he wouldn’t hurt her and would probably give her the best sex of her life.

“Okay,” she said. “I’ll do it.”

“Good. That’s just next weekend. Not long at all to wait.”

Tags: Maya Banks Unspoken Romance