Barbara tilted her tablet so Sara could see the image on the screen.

“No way! I might be a witch who enjoys the woods, but I don’t think I want to be with a guy who looks like he lives there or might just be a sasquatch.”

“Yeah, he does have that wild-man thing going on, doesn’t he? Okay, fine. What about this one?” Barbara showed her another profile that had popped up.

“He’s definitely hawwtt!” Sara suddenly felt the need to fan herself. The man on the screen looked like he had just stepped off the pages of a Playgirl Magazine.

“He is definitely a silver fox if I ever saw one.” Barbara did what Sara was thinking, fanned herself before clicking the heart next to his profile.

“What does adding that heart mean?” Sara asked.

“That you’re interested,” Barbara explained.

“Wait! I’m not sure if I’m interested. I said he was hot.” Sara began to panic. “You really think someone as hot as him would be interested in someone like me? He looks all normal. I’m not normal. I’m a witch with hardly any experience in the real world, and I’m freaking out.”

“Calm down. He may not even see the like.”

Just as Barbara said that a little box popped up indicating the silver fox had sent a message.

Sara noted his name, Bryce, and then read his message:

Hi, beautiful.

“Okay … so maybe he did see it,” Barbara said, handing Sara the tablet.

“What do I do?” she squeaked.

“Say hi back?”


Sara wanted to unsend as soon as she sent the message.

“Well, I’m going to head out and let you talk to Mr. Silver Fox.” Barbara stood and grabbed her purse.

“What! You can’t leave me here to do this alone!” Sara shouted, jumping up off the couch.

“Sure, I can. You’ll be fine. Just follow your gut and see where things go,” Barbara said before giving Sara a hug.

“You got me into this, and now you’re jumping ship! I can’t believe this.” Sara wasn’t joking. She had no idea how to talk to guys. Well, not in a, hey, I’m interested in you, kind of way.

“You’ll be fine. Just be yourself, and if Mr. Silver Fox isn’t for you, move on to the next. Just remember that you don’t owe these guys anything. Only talk to the ones you are comfortable with.

Tags: Milly Taiden Paranormal