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Chapter Twenty-One


I was a giddy mess. Smiling and feeling my cheeks heat up, like I was constantly standing in front of the fire.

It was special, maybe the best night of my entire life. My entire being, both human and wolf, felt completely melded with Dean, as tough parts of us had somehow fused together.

He hadn’t taken his hands off me since we’d gotten out of bed. Even when I reached for my whiteboard, his fingertips grazed my back.

Mating was certainly exhilarating.

I want to take you somewere.

I wrote the sentence, and he looked at it. “Yeah, I’d love to go anywhere with you. And it’s w-h-e-r-e, okay?” He erased the last word of my sentence and spelled it correctly. But this time, the correction was sealed with a kiss that made me want to do anything but leave this cabin again—ever.

I grabbed my basket and tugged on his hand. It was surprising to me that he had joined the Crystal Canyon pack but had never asked why it was named Crystal Canyon and if there were actual canyons with crystals.

More than anything, I was happy it was me who got to rediscover it with him by my side.

“Where are we going? Are we shifting?” he asked as he put his arm over my shoulder. I blew off my lack of knowledge about mates and couples and leaned into his hold, practically blooming under his touch.

I shook my head to answer his question. Today, I just wanted to enjoy a long walk with my mate to my favorite place.

“Okay, lead the way, mate.”

I froze at hearing the name fall from his lips. It wasn’t like I didn’t know that I was his mate and he was mine. I knew it in my heart and in my mind, but hearing it out loud like that. Well, it did things to me and threw me into a state of bliss I’d only imagined was possible.

“Wait, are you upset? Am I not supposed to call you that? I won’t do it again if it upsets you.” He took me into his arms. My head landed right in the middle of his chest. I could hear his heart thumping like a rabbit’s beneath his T-shirt.

I wished I could talk to him. Instead, I dropped my basket and wrapped my arms around his waist and held him tight.

“Oh, I see. You really like that I called you mate. Wow, that’s incredible. It’s like I can feel what you’re feeling.”

I pulled back, embarrassed as hell but at the same time relieved. Maybe my love would pour out of me and somehow reach him. Especially since I couldn’t mutter the words with my mouth. I hoped that muttering them with everything else in me would have to be enough.

Nodding, I pushed up on my toes and kissed him. He reached behind me and cupped my butt, lifting me. My legs instinctively wrapped around his hips, and he walked a few steps, causing my back to land against the nearest tree.

“Would it be wrong of me to take you again, right here, mate? Because that’s what I want to do.”

Shaking my head, I pulled back. Yes, I wanted to, but also, I wanted to take him to the caves. And if we continued like this, we would not reach them anytime soon.

“Okay. I understand. Let’s go wherever you want to.”

I took his hand and tugged him toward the caves after picking up my basket. Along the way, I picked some things. Most of it he had no idea how to identify but got a few things right like dandelion greens and chamomile. I had a book at home with the local fauna—I would have to show him that.

“Whoa...this is...incredible, Jillian.”

I stopped at the entrance to the cave to take in his awe. A smile rose on my face as I watched him turn in a circle, overwhelmed with the beauty of the place.

“I’m guessing these are the crystal caves. I wondered about the name of the pack but didn’t want to ask. Thought maybe it was just a cool name. Come here.”

He could’ve asked me to do anything in that moment and I would’ve. Taking a few steps, I joined him. In moments, I was in his arms.

“How can I ever thank you, mate? You’ve given me a place to lay my head when I didn’t have any place to go. You calmed me down that first time that I was shifting. You made me meals with your own hands. You’ve shared yourself with me and we’ve learned from each other. If I had known you and this were waiting for me all along, I would’ve tried to find you.”

Hugging him tighter, I tried to push my appreciation for him into the gesture.

“Maybe one day I can do something for you.”

Tags: Mazzy J. March Mated in Silence Fantasy