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I sense Christian scowling at me, and I arch an eyebrow. He seems like he’s about to say something, then firms his lips. He watches as she stitches me up. When she's done with her task, she cuts the last thread. She bandages my right hand, then begins to pack up her things.

"Thank you," I mutter.

"Try and keep it dry, and I am giving you a prescription for antibiotics to prevent any infections." She hands over a sheet of paper, then rises to her feet. "May I speak with Karma before I leave?"

"No," I say in a hard voice, and she blinks.

"No?" She scowls, "Why not?"

"Because she’s not here."

"Not here?" She searches my features, "She’s recovering from a serious accident, and she’s not here? Where did she go? She should be resting, she—"

"Basta,"I raise my hand, then turn to Christian, "get her out of here."

"Get me out of here?" She firms her lips, "I am not some piece of luggage that he owns, that you can command him to move me around, you know."

"Not yet," Christian drawls.

She turns on him, "What’s that supposed to mean?" She scowls, "If you think you have any claim on me, you are sadly mistaken."

"It’s because of me that you and your family are still alive, make no mistake," Christian retorts.

Her face pales. She draws in a breath as he walks over and snatches up her bag, "Let’s go, Doc."

She scowls at him, then back at me, "Not until I am sure that Karma is safe."

I glare at her, "She’s my wife. Of course, she’s safe."

"She’s your wife. That’s why I am worried about her."

I rise to my feet and she takes a step back. She bumps into Christian, who reaches out to steady her. She pulls away from him, tucks her elbows into her sides and tips up her chin, "What did you do to her?"

"I told you, woman. I didn’t do anything to her. She’s safe—much safer than she was here."

"What’s that supposed to mean?"

I drag my fingers through my hair, "Look, she left for her own good. If she were here, she’d only be a target for our rival clans, or whoever it is that was behind the blast that blew up her car."

She swallows, "You…you think they are going to target her again?"

"I have no doubt they are going to strike again, and as long as she was here with me, she would have been their focus."

"That’s why you let her go?"

"I told her to leave because we’re done."


"Our marriage is done, over,finito,kaput," I slice my hand through the air, "and that is all I am going to say about that particular topic."

She opens her mouth, then shuts it. "How can I reach her?"

"You can’t."

"She’s my friend. I want to get in touch with her and make sure that she is safe."

"If you reach out to her, you’ll only draw attention to where she is. Do you understand that?"

Tags: L. Steele Arranged Marriage Erotic