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"Believe you need a ride?" Adrian murmurs.

"Took him no time to alert his cronies to the fact that I am leaving, huh?"

"The chopper is waiting."

I blink. "The chopper? That’s how fast he wants me out of here?"

Adrian merely stands there without speaking.

"Not that it matters. And yeah, I’ll take the chopper ride. Why not?"

Cassandra walks over to the pet carrier with Andy. She sinks to her knees, coaxes him inside. I get a glimpse of the compartments inside which carry collapsible bowls and food, water, there's even a compartment with kitty litter. Wow, that's one top-of-the-line carrier that Mika has sprung for. How can a man who takes such good care of my pet, also turn out to be so unfaithful? It doesn’t make sense.

Cassandra locks the door and rises to her feet, "I’ll come with you, until the chopper."

"No, thanks." I reach out and she hands the pet carrier over to me. I grab my bag in my free hand, then pause. I nod to her. "Thanks Cassandra," I murmur, "you’ve been a good friend."

"I am so sorry, Karma," she whispers, then steps forward and hugs me. Andy mewls and I step away from her.

"Maybe I’ll see you at some point, huh?" I turn away, then pause, "Tell Aurora I’ll try to reach her once I’ve figured out what I am going to do next."

She nods and I turn away. I follow Adrian down the corridor, pasthisclosed bedroom door, down the steps, out of the house and to the chopper. The helicopter’s rotors begin to whir as we approach it. Adrian opens the door, helps me up, then deposits my bag and Andy’s pet carrier next to me.

Massimo looks up from the controls, "Where would you like to go?"



After she walks away from the door, I wait for a few minutes, just to make sure she's not in hearing range, then I push Larissa away.

She falls back on her ass. "Hey," she protests, "I haven’t even started."

"It doesn’t matter." I zip up my pants and stand up, move past her and head to the door. I grip the handle, only to stop myself.Let her go; let her leave.That’s what you wanted, and that’s what you are getting. She is leaving you, and it’s the only way for her to be safe.

I sense Larissa stand up and move toward me. She places her hand on my shoulder and I shake it off.

"Let her go," she murmurs. "You and I can have a lot more fun together, like we used to. The bitch has no idea how lucky she was to have had you even for a little time. Now that she’s gone—"

"Shut up," I turn on her and she stumbles back. "Shut the fuck up."

She pales. "I… I…only meant—"

"Get out," I jerk my chin toward the door, “and make sure she doesn’t see you or hear you.” She nods, then rushes to the door. I push the door shut, then walk to the bathroom. I glance at myself in the mirror, stare into my reflection.You asshole. You complete idiot. What have you done?

I blew any chance of her ever being with me again. I shattered her heart... And so soon after the loss of our child. What is wrong with me? In one swoop, I had broken her trust in me… A trust I’ll never be able to rebuild. I’ve ensured that she’ll hate me, and treat me as what I am: her kidnapper, her captor… Her husband, who had cheated on her with another woman.

"Minchia!"Only when my fist connects with the mirror do I realize that I have swung at it. The pain slices up my arm as blood drips down and splatters on the sink and down on the floor. I gaze at the fragments of my reflection in the shattered mirror.

An hour later, Seb and Christian arrive with Aurora in tow. When I had finally pulled my head out of my ass, I had called Seb who’d, in turn, contacted Christian, and the two had turned up with her. Christian hands the medical bag over to Aurora and she approaches me. She pulls up a chair, then unrolls the towel I’d wrapped around my hand and grimaces." I’ll need to stitch this."

"Do it." I turn my attention to where Christian is positioned by the doorway watching her. She cleans and disinfects the cuts. "This will hurt," She glances up at me. "Do you want an anesthetic to numb the area before I—"

"No," I growl, "just get on with it."

Christian shuffles his feet. I stare at him and he glares back.Stronzoseems to have taken a shine to the fair doctor. At least, it seems to have taken his mind off of Xander. Xander…

The band around my chest tightens. The needle digs into my skin and I wince. The doctor peers up at me, and I jerk my chin at her to continue stitching. She firms her jaw, focuses on the stitching once more.

Tags: L. Steele Arranged Marriage Erotic