Page 27 of Inked Heart

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away quickly, turning towards the counter. I will not be sucked into amazing

blue eyes.

"Excuse me," he says as he

stops next to me. "I just have to grab one of those cards."

I look at the counter, and they are on

the opposite end from him. He inches in front of me as I take a step back. I

close my eyes for just a second and breath in his scent.


He snatches a card, then taps it on

the counter as he turns towards me.

"You here to get work


Can't avoid him now.

I look up and a small piece inside

me melts. Not all men are like Night, right?

"Uh, yeah." I hold out my

hand, and he takes it, holding the ends of my fingers and examines the tattoos.

"Nice. Did they hurt?"

"I have a high pain tolerance,

so not really."

"Women definitely can take the

pain from a tattoo better than most men, so that doesn't surprise me."

There's an awkward silence as we stare

at each other. He pulls his bottom lip into his mouth, and my body instantly

reacts. I can feel the heat rising up my chest.

"What's your name?"


"Well, hello Piper. I'm


"Hi, Chance."

Tags: T. Spear Romance