Page 26 of Inked Heart

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ask you."

"Awe, are you trying to make me


She scoots towards me and wraps me

in a hug.

"Love you, Piper."

"Love you, too."


The next day goes by at a snail’s

pace. Before I decided I needed to stop being pathetic, I did the desperate

girl thing and texted Night a few more times. I know not all men are awful, but

from my experiences so far, they all suck. I'm writing them all off.

I grab the door handle, take a

breath, then walk into the tattoo shop.

"Hi, there. Do you have an

appointment?" The receptionist catches me off guard. My attention

immediately went down the hall to the gorgeous man talking to someone else.

No, Piper. Men suck. He's not


Now, I'm just lying to myself.

"Uh, yes, at four thirty with


"Great, I'll let him know

you're here."

I look back down the hall, and he's

gone, but the guy he was talking to is walking towards me. He has dirty blonde

hair that looks messy but also styled, blue eyes and a jaw line like Damon from

Vampire Diaries. Do men just become instantly hotter when they are in a tattoo

shop? What the hell is going on?

He locks eyes with mine, and I look

Tags: T. Spear Romance