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We stepped outside,and my arms wrapped around my middle. It was colder than I remembered, but then again, I hadn’t been in Moon Ridge long. And we’d been inside for what felt like ages, regaining strength or whatever.

“Your wolf is a separate being that you share a body with,” Zed explained quickly. “You exist on top of each other, without merging, like food sitting on a plate. The food gets to run the show while it’s in control, and the plate sits beneath it, holding it but not really doing anything vital.”

“Except looking nice,” I pointed out.

“Right.” He bobbed his head. “When it comes to an actual plate. But in the analogy, the plate doesn’t do anything but sit there.”

Alright, I could roll with that.

“So we’re separate. Can we communicate?” I checked.

“Nope. No communication; food, and plate.”


“So I just have to figure out how not to piss off my wolf if I don’t want her to take over?”

“Exactly.” He nodded confirmation. “Number one way to do that is not to run away from your mate.”

To his credit, he didn’t give me a pointed look or a glare with that one.

“Alright, poke you frequently. Got it.” I gave him a mock salute. “How do I shift?”

“Focus on the feeling you get when she tries to take over, and lean into it. She’ll feel you trying to give her control, and she’ll take it quickly. Unless she doesn’t want to, but she’s a wolf; they pretty much always want to. Don’t fight her, or it’ll hurt like hell.”

“Won’t it hurt even if I do fight her?”

“Yup. But the pain is a lot more manageable if you don’t.”


“Fine, I won’t fight her.”

“Alright, go ahead and shift. I’ll wait until you’re done, in case you need coaching or something.”

I scoffed at him. “I won’t need coaching. I’m a damned werewolf, remember?”

His lips twitched. “Forgot for a second there.”


I flipped him the bird, then grabbed onto the feeling of the wolf’s claws in my chest, and tugged.

The wolf didn’t hesitate for a damned second.

She ripped away the control I handed her, dropping me to my knees and leaving me breathless as pain tore through me. My bones cracked in awful noises, my body changing.

But I didn’t fight her, and Zed was right; it was much, much faster.

Soon enough, I found myself peering out of the eyes of the wolf.

Mywolf, if Zed was to be trusted. And while I didn’t think men in general were trustworthy, I did believe him enough in this situation.

He scratched my wolf’s head, crouching beside her as he continued rubbing behind her ears. She nuzzled his hand, licking his arm.

“I’m alright, Beautiful,” he murmured to her.

Tags: Lola Glass Mate Hunt Paranormal