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“Stealing my clothes already?” His lips curved upward slightly again.

Damn, I liked that half-smile of his.

Not that I would admit it; eventually he’d prove himself to be the abusive asshole he had to be.

I dropped the towel out of my hair and tossed it to the floor. “Yup”

“Good.” He stepped into his shorts, and I tried not to stare and/or drool.

After tugging the t-shirt down to the middle of my thighs, I detangled my hair with my fingers and strode back toward the bathroom. He followed me, and when his fingers brushed my lower back, my wolf may as well have purred in my chest. She definitely wasn’t trying to jump out of me in that moment.

I faced the mirror, still detangling my hair. “Do you have any hairbands?”

“Mmhm.” He tugged on a drawer, and pulled out a few black scrunchies, setting a couple on the counter in front of me.

“You use scrunchies?” I eyed him suspiciously.

“My hair used to be long here.” He gestured toward the top of his head. “And shaved here.” He gestured to the sides. “I’d put it up for work.”


He would definitely look hot with a haircut like that, but I liked the wild-man thing he had going on with his current luscious mane.

Just thinking of it as a luscious mane had me biting back another snort.

My fingers moved rapidly through my hair, braiding the long, red strands. I noticed his eyes following my fingers, and paused. “You want me to teach you how to braid?”

“Sure.” He didn’t give me a sarcastic response, for probably the first time since we’d met.

“Three strands,” I instructed him, undoing my own braid to start at the base of my neck again. It was nothing fancy, just a simple way to prevent my hair from being an annoyance. If he was new to long hair, he would definitely need to learn braids, too.

Slowly, I showed him how to maneuver one over the other, in a pattern. He picked it up quickly; it wasn’t like it was difficult.

Two minutes later, we both had our hair braided back, though his was definitely shorter than mine. I’d have to show him how to pull everything equally-tight so he didn’t get odd lumps in the top part the next time, but he didn’t seem to mind said odd lumps, so we were good to go.

“Ready?” I checked.

“You’ve got no idea,” he said, flashing me another half-smirk.

More sarcasm.

If only I wasn’t such a damn sucker for it.

Tags: Lola Glass Mate Hunt Paranormal