Page 42 of Rule Bender

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After handover to the next crew is done and dusted, I make my way down the corridor to grab my bag before I head straight home to bed

“Thank God that shift is finally over,” I say, slumping down on the wooden bench in the middle of the lockers.

“Aww, is someone getting too old to handle a busy night?”Rhodes teases as he walks in behind me.

“No.Someone is just tired.When was the last time we had a shift of big back-to-back calls?”

“It’s been a while,” he replies.“I’m definitely looking forward to not seeing this place for the next forty-eight hours, that’s for sure.”He walks over to his locker and opens it, looking back at me.“Got any plans?”

I bark out a tired laugh.“Sleep?”

“Then what?Studying I hope.”

I roll my eyes.I only announced I was going for the lieutenant’s exam yesterday and already I’ve had Marco, Rhodes, and the Cap riding my ass about putting in the hours and not leaving it until the last minute.“Yes, Dad.”

Rhodes chuckles and throws a balled up sock at my head, missing by a mile.“You know what I mean.”

“Yeah.I’m hoping London will help me buckle down and cram everything I need to know into my brain.”

His lips tip up.“You’re lucky to have her, you know.”

I frown, wondering why he’d say something like that.“Idoknow, but why would you think I didn’t?”

Now he’s the one frowning.“I’m just saying, she’s a great woman.You guys are good together.”My eyes narrow and my muscles tense.“As friends, I mean.”

My shoulders relax when he doesn’t give me shit about London like Scotty and everyone else does.

“Hey.I get it.I know it’s possible to be friends andjustfriends with a woman.”

“Good,” I grumble, scrubbing my face with my hands.My brain is a little messed up about Lonnie right now, but I can’t talk about it around here because these walls have ears, and the last thing I’d want is for anything I say to get back to Cap.Yeah, I’m all screwed up in the head because Cap’s daughter has flicked a switch inside of me I can’t seem to turn off now ...

He studies me for a moment before nodding, as if coming to a decision.“You meeting her for breakfast this morning?”

I shake my head.“She sent me a text last night saying Renee, Val, and Skye had dragged her out for drinks and she didn’t think she’d be human in time to meet me.Why’s that?”

“Well, I happen to know that Dee has been experimenting with different flavors of cinnamon rolls for the restaurant and that there are a few batches of her latest creations at home waiting for me.”Rhodes’s wife, Dee, owns a restaurant downtown called Delish, and she’s known for her amazing baking skills.It’s made their house a popular venue to host the crew’s monthly BBQs at.

I straighten, suddenly filled with a wave of newfound energy.“Say no more.I’m more than happy to be her cooking guinea pig.”

“Thought you might.”Rhodes smirks and nods to my locker.“Grab your stuff and I’ll follow you out.If we’re quick, we might get there before Jake wakes up and beats us to it.”

“Oh, hell nah.He’s eighteen; he’s got to worry about looking good for the ladies.”

Rhodes’s brows lift sky-high.“And you don’t?You’re thirty-eight and single.”

“I’m approaching middle age.Just got to get the mid-life crisis and sports car out of my system by forty, and then I can start looking for a nice young lady to make me look good.”

The look Rhodes gives me is far too telling for me to think about at this time of the morning.I point a finger his way as soon as the words are out of my mouth.“No.Get that thought right out of your head.”

He has the gall to look innocent.“What?I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

I narrow my eyes.“You’re so full of shit, I’m surprised your breath doesn’t stink.But for your information, no, I didn’t mean London.Yes, she is young and beautiful and makes me look good regardless, but as a friend.”

He gestures that he’s zipping his mouth closed as he swings his gear bag over his shoulder and slams his locker door, waiting for me to do the same before walking out.

Tags: B.J. Harvey Romance