“It’s just for research. I can’t make changes about this,”
Dani picked up the letter and waved it in the air, “unless I
know how everything works. Unless I know who’s making
laws and representing us and all that.”
Andi’s face got that warm glow of excitement and Dani
knew she was in for it. She also knew she deserved it. She felt
guilty about lying to Andi since she knew and liked her, and
would even say she trusted her. Dani had to remind herself
she’d make sure nothing ever got back to Andi. Besides,
finding a name wasn’t illegal. Politicians, certainly senators,
should have nothing to hide. Maybe Dani could even make her
own list.
If not, she told herself she’d find someone who could do
shadier kinds of searching. Dani didn’t like it, but she was also
a realist. Good God was she ever.
First, she’d swallow an afternoon of impassioned speeches
about politics, politicians, lawmakers, maybe even the laws
themselves from Andi. She’d done it to herself, but so be it.
She’d listen to whatever she had to if it meant keeping her
shop. She’d been through so, so much worse in the past. She’d
get through this too.
Failing wasn’t an option.
Losing the shop wasn’t an option.
Going back to having nothing and living on the streets
wasn’t an option. So yes, if that meant she had to be a little
shady and a little scummy and maybe hate herself for it later,
Dani was willing to go down that road.
Chapter 5
When Emily’s phone buzzed in the middle of class with a