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“Exactly. Now, you must do whatever I request.”

“Whatever you request.” She bites her lip and then shakes her head. “Nope. I can’t do that.”

“Why not.”

“Because your mind is a bit twisted, Victor. You may try to sway my way of thinking.” A daring glint shines in Luxury’s eyes. I’ve classically conditioned the woman. Phantom tremors chase down her stomach as my palm splays over her belly button. My mouth takes her hostage again.Bloody fuck me, I require more time with her body.

As she comes down from the passion, Luxury groans. “Vic, you almost made me forget my first encounter with your mom. I thought we weren’t doing the whole meet the family charade. I’m staying here this evening. Maybe until I get enough gumption to greet your mom again.”

“Do you really want to forgo the evening?”

“Well, Duke of Arlington, I’d rather stay here for the night and maybe try my luck with your mother and grandmother on a new day.”

“Sarah liked you.”

“Heh, will she recall in the morning? I think your grandmother may have been tipsy before the sun rose this morning. She’s . . .”

“Fucking sloshed.” I smile, leaning down to kiss Luxury’s lips. “I must attend the party this evening for a while.”

“Party?” She gasps.

“A small gathering.”Where I absolve my silly engagement with one of my longest-running mates.“How about you read your mum’s diary?”

Luxury’s chin lifts. “Yeah, I’ll do that. Put all this mystery behind me for once and for all.”

“It should be . . . insightful.” I slide her down onto the downy mattress, trailing scorching kisses over the bend of her breasts. I read the diary in its entirety while Luxury took a nap on the jet ride here. It bloody well altered my perception about a few things.



Princess Mary pulled together a soirée in a short time. Servants float about with canapés. I grab two flutes of champagne as the herald announces the presence of Miss Madeline Elliott. All the arseholes whose laughter has grated my ear and who’ve attempted achin-waggingavert their attention to the top of the sweeping staircase. There is a round of applause. A white lace gown washes out Maddy’s porcelain skin. Limp brown hair droops over her shoulders.

I down the drink in my left hand. Tipping back the one in my right with the same attentiveness, I finish it, set those aside, and grab two more.

My mum glides over to the end of the steps, her ladies surrounding her.

When we were younger, mother hated Madeline. The girl came from money but had no royal ties to the Queen. Now, Mum appearschuffed to bits,enfolding Madeline into a hug that sure enough has Maddy confused. Madeline’s conflicted dark brown eyes melt when she sets them on me. In a dash, my friend has unwrapped herself from her nemesis’s hold.

“Oh, Victor.” Maddy is in my arms in seconds. My gut sinks at all the promises I've made. This will be the first time I do not intend to keep them.

“It’s almost dinner. Take a walk with me before?” Madeleine implores. “It’s been so long since you were . . . home.”

There’s that dreaded word again—home—so heavy with meaning.

I take her arm in mine, and we stroll toward the outer terrace. Once outside, two guards post themselves on opposite sides of the entryway.

“Should I ask why Her Royal Highness, the Duchess, is so happy to see me?” Madeline tugs at her fingertips.

“Her Royal Highness, the Duchess? Since when have you used such formalities? You hate my mother.” My eyebrows raise. I lean an elbow against the smooth, marbled railing and cross my legs at the ankle.

“After Christmas passed, and New Years as well, without a single call, I had a feeling you weren’t ready. I consented to the open relationship, but when will we marry?”


“Little too late for that, don’t you think? The Queen has made it her mission to insert me into the lifestyle.” Maddy waves a hand. “Everything I do is for you.”

“I’m aware of my grandmother’s doings.” I take a deep inhale, knowing that the Queen’s declining this event tonight is to signify her disdain and growing impatience. The monarch had not asked for this marriage.

Tags: Amarie Avant Duke of Tudor Romance