Page 4 of Fang to Rights

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She could practically feel her bones creak when her sister finally decided to let her go. She rubbed the side of her ribcage and looked at her.

“Where are the kids?”

Evelyn grinned. “Left them with hubs. I wanted to come over with Gerri and help you scrapbook with Mom.”

Olivia blinked and shifted to the side to see a beautiful woman with bright white hair that almost looked silver, styled in a fashionable bob. Her beautiful olive-toned skin was a perfect complement to the strands. The woman smiled and waved.


Olivia waved back. “Hey…”

She turned back to her sister with a weary look.

Evelyn nudged her. “This is my friend Gerri. Gerri, this is my baby sister Olivia.”

Gerri grinned at her with perfectly white teeth. “Pleased to meet you.”

Olivia felt her eyes narrow. “Aren’t you the one with that matchmaking service?”

Gerri held up her hands. “Guilty as charged, I’m afraid.”

Evelyn nudged Olivia toward the hallway. “Come on, show me what you and Mom were working on.”

“We were basically done. How come you left the kids at home?”

“What?” Evelyn put her hands on Olivia’s shoulders and turned her around, pushing her down the hallway. “I can’t have a night out by myself?”

Olivia rolled her eyes. “Did those words leave my mouth? No.”


Olivia groaned at her sister. Even though she hadn’t seen Evelyn in a few weeks, she’d suddenly been slammed with the realization of how annoying she could be.

As if sensing her thoughts, Evelyn laughed and led her back to her seat. She pushed down on Olivia’s shoulders, forcing her to sit.

“Hey, Ma!”

“Hello, my love. I’m making stew!”

Evelyn turned to look at Gerri. “My mom’s stew is to die for. You’re going to love it.”

The woman grinned. “I can’t wait.”

Olivia’s eyes flitted between the two of them, feeling something strange going on.

“Evie, I didn’t know you were friends with a matchmaker…”

Her sister merely smirked. “Dad donated several paintings to sell at her charities throughout the years.”

“Your father had great talent,” Gerri said. “The world lost a wonderful man when he passed.”

“So,” Evelyn said quickly to change the subject, “you’ve got a pretty wide clientele, don’t you, Gerri?”

“I sure do. I like to keep my pool wide and eclectic.”


Olivia did not like the way her sister said that. Or the look she was currently sending her way.

Tags: Milly Taiden Paranormal